Foods To Avoid With Type 2 Diabetes

Many, many men have type 2 diabetes. They have problems with their insulin, especially natural insulin control. This is why so, so many turn to the best medication for insulin resistance. Diabetes treatment is vital! Men who are living with diabetes need a glucose meter so they can check their blood sugar. Everyone knows they'll need an insulin pump or injectable insulin. Men need type 2 diabetes remedies. And one of the biggest things outside of diabetes meds? Avoiding specific foods.

Fruit Products


Men, you know you can eat real fruit even when you've got type 2 diabetes. They have natural sugars, yes, but some fruit is just fine! But avoiding processed fruit products is so, so important. So important if you have diabetes. Why? These products contain lots of fructose and refined sugar. They'll make your blood sugar spike! So throw away fruit cups. Many fruit popsicles aren't okay either. If you have to, make the popsicles yourself! This way, men, you control the ingredients. You've got the power, so keep fruit products out of your diet and control your blood sugar better.

Anything Made With White Flour


White flour is everywhere. Absolutely everywhere! It's in cupcakes, cookies, crackers, cereal, and bread. Even sauces and gravies have it! But men, if you've got type 2 diabetes? You have to avoid anything with white flour. It's refined and has very few nutrients left in it. And so, so many people are saying it also makes blood sugar spike just like sugary treats do. Yes, it's true!

It's because white flour doesn't have nutrients left. These nutrients would have slowed digestion down and released energy slower. It's also very, very easy to overeat when you're eating something made from white flour men. These products don't have much fiber, so you'll feel hungry faster. Still want to eat something with flour? If you've got type 2 diabetes, men, turn to whole wheat flour instead.

Red Meat


Everyone is saying it: eat less red meat. Yes, men, you too! Read meat is connected to many cancers and heart disease, and yes, type 2 diabetes. Men, if you've got type 2 diabetes, you need to stop eating as much red meat, especially the fatty cuts of it. Trim excess fat whenever you see it. Try grass-fed beef before other cuts. But the best choice? Eat lean white meat instead. This includes fish, chicken, and turkey! Men, you still get your protein this way, but it won't negatively affect your type 2 diabetes nearly as much. Not nearly as much!

Whole Milk


Milk can contain a lot of saturated fat. A lot! Men, you've seen the labels: whole milk, 2% milk...they're out there! Any man who has type 2 diabetes needs to watch what kind of milk they drink. Why? Saturated fats affect this condition! It'll also put them at a much higher, much higher risk of heart disease and diabetes complications. So instead of drinking whole milk, try skim instead!

Any man who can't have dairy and also has diabetes should drink unsweetened soy or almond milk. There's also unsweetened oat, flax, and cashew milk! The goal of this game is to stop drinking so much fat and avoid sugar too. You've got this, men.



Men, you're going to need to avoid alcohol if you've got type 2 diabetes. Many, many types of alcohol contain a lot of sugar in them. This isn't good for diabetes. Everyone knows it! Alcohol also makes you want to eat more and more. It's often unhealthy foods that are high in fat and sugar you want too! None of this is good, especially when you've got type 2 diabetes. Men, your pancreas can get inflamed, and you're at risk of nerve damage, eye diseases, and high blood pressure.

So, it's hugely important to avoid drinking alcohol. If you still want to? Talk to a doctor first! Find out if you can do it safely. They'll help you design a plan if that's possible.



Everyone should know about it: anyone with type 2 diabetes should avoid drinking soda. Yes, this includes men! Soda has a huge, huge amount of soda. Many kinds of soda have 16 tablespoons in just one can. Just one can! Men, drinking a can will spike your blood sugar. It's very easy for your diabetes to get out of control if you drink soda! Soda also causes weight gain, which does contribute to diabetes. Sugar is also very addictive.

Diet soda isn't helpful for men with type 2 diabetes either. It's got unhealthy ingredients and no health benefits. And like regular soda, diet soda's also linked to weight gain and disease! Better drinks are sparkling water and water infused with real fruit! Unsweetened tea is amazing as well.



Men, you often eat chips while watching a football game. It's a popular snack for video game night too! Even poker nights. But it's not a good snack for any man with type 2 diabetes. Not good, not good at all. Most chips don't have much nutritional value. They often have none! This makes it very, very easy for you, men, to overeat.

They are delicious, everyone knows it! But eating lots of chips can cause weight gain, blood sugar spikes, tooth decay, and even heart disease. It's going to be very hard for you, men, to keep your diabetes in check by eating chips a lot. So be sure to avoid them! You'll see a difference!

Sweetened Yogurt


Yogurt is usually a good part of any diet. But not the diet of a man with type 2 diabetes! Many, many types of yogurt have fruit in them or are otherwise sweetened. So, here it comes. You know it's coming, men. They can cause blood sugar spikes! Yogurts marked as diet products often have even more carbs and sugar than others, which makes them worse for men with diabetes. Even 245 grams of yogurt can have a whopping 47 grams of sugar. Wow!

Men, avoid eating sweetened yogurt if you've got diabetes. Eat plain yogurt without sweetener instead! Use real and fresh fruit with it if you want flavor. It's that easy. That easy.

Breakfast Cereal


So so many kinds of breakfast cereals are full of sugar. They're full of it! Many of them also have lots and lots of carbs and are very processed. Very processed! What's more, but too many people don't know what a serving of cereal looks like. So what? They're going to eat more than they should without knowing it.

Cereals contain refined sugar, fructose, corn syrup, agave nectar, molasses, and many, many more sweeteners. Men with type 2 diabetes, read the labels! You can't reach for most breakfast cereals. Find unsweetened ones. Get recommendations from a dietitian or your doctor. Control what you put in your body at all times!

Honey And Maple Syrup


So, you don't want to eat anything with refined sugar. This is why many, many men with diabetes go for honey or maple syrup. After all, they're better for you, right? No, not for men with type 2 diabetes. These sweeteners still have lots of carbs, like sugar. 1 tablespoon of white sugar has 12.6 grams of carbs. And 1 tablespoon of natural honey? 17 grams of carbs. Maple syrup? 13 grams. The carbs these have mean they'll impact a man's blood sugar the same way if he has diabetes. So, men, you'll have to avoid them too! Don't give up your control.

Dried Fruit


Fresh fruit has lots of healthy vitamins and minerals. Men with diabetes, you need them! But avoid eating dried fruit. Even though it's fruit, the water is gone. The drying process makes the fruit smaller, though it'll still have the same nutrients as a larger fresh piece. There's a huge, huge problem here. The sugar is still there, but in a higher concentration.

Men, you're more likely to eat more dried fruit than fresh. And with the sugar? Your blood sugar could get out of control and get much, much higher if you're not paying attention. So the best option is to avoid dried fruit. Get a fresh piece of fruit instead. It'll fill you up faster. It's always the better choice!

French Fries


French fries are delicious. Everyone is talking about how delicious they are! Men with diabetes, though, you have to hold your horses. French fries are full of refined carbs, fat, and oil. Everyone obviously knows refined carbs turn into sugar in the body. The energy is released faster, it's why they cause spikes in blood sugar followed by crashes!

This is very, very dangerous for men with type 2 diabetes. Insulin should be moving the sugar through the body. But when it's not working right because of diabetes? It can build and build. Men with diabetes will have serious complications when this happens. The solution? Well, avoid eating french fries. Try complex carbs instead.

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