Everything You Know About Common Antifungals

Antifungal meds are your best friend, men. They are! They're going to tackle so many fungal infections. They kill fungus and stop it from growing too. Most of you, men, get this kind of med as a cream or ointment. It goes on your skin! Your hair too, sometimes! That said, you know this: there are tablets too! Obviously, men, you've got to get your doc on board here. They'll go over all your options and give you the best instructions. Yes, the best instructions!

The oral prescription for yeast infections is so great here, so great. Your antifungal meds also work as a dandruff treatment. Yes, it's true! You'll see antifungals as a prescription dandruff shampoo. Antifungal medicines for athlete's foot are there too! And men? The best antifungal medicine is out there. You've just got to understand the common ones and discuss things with your doc! So easy!



Clotrimazole is on the table here, men. It's so very strong, this antifungal. It is! This med treats pityriasis. It handles fungal skin infections like ringworm and athlete's foot too. Win! You'll get this antifungal as a topical ointment. Yes, that's one you apply to your skin! Men, many of you, so many, are going to apply this one 2 times a day. You can't put a bandage on it, though. Let it air out! Obviously, you know you've got to wash your hands once you've put it on. If you're getting this one for a yeast infection in your throat or mouth? Men, you'll get oral tablets! Yes! Dissolve them in your mouth one at a time, with up to 5 a day. That's going to take about 30 minutes per tablet.

Hold up! Men, you know the side effects. Watch for vomiting, itching, upset stomach, and nausea. Your mouth is likely going to be a bit uncomfortable too. Call your doc about these side effects. Do this when your infection sticks around for longer than 4 weeks. Get on the phone! Get an appointment!



Econazole is another great antifungal. Men, you know it is! So great. The greatest! It's going to tackle things like skin yeast infections, ringworm, and athlete's foot. This med even fixes discolored skin from tinea versicolor. Win! Huge win! You'll need to talk to your doc about this one. It's got different instructions based on condition. When you've got ringworm or athlete's foot, you're going to be taking one once a day most of the time. But guess what? It'll take 2 weeks for the first one of those conditions, and yes, 4 weeks for the second. You knew it was coming! And those yeast infections? Take this med twice a day for 2 weeks!

Keep up with the precautions. Oh yeah, you're already there! Make a list of your other meds for your doc, men. This antifungal interacts with blood thinners, among others. Be ready! You'll need to keep the foam one of the antifungal away from the sun. And yea, apply it away, far away, from heat and open flames! This time? You know the side effects include skin issues where you applied it! Keep a sharp eye out for redness, itching, burning, and stinging here. Call your doc right away if these get bad, so bad.



Terbinafine is huge, so huge, as an oral antifungal. Men, infections in your hair and nails don't stand a chance against this one! It's going to tackle them before you know it. It's going to be the biggest win, yes, it is! Obviously, though, you've got to stay ready. You can't take this one when you've got liver disease, lupus, or a weak immune system. Call your doc up first!

Ready for the side effects? Obviously, you are! You're going to see rashes, nausea, diarrhea, and headaches the most. Yes, you will! And men? Your liver function tests will come back abnormal sometimes on this one. That's why you've got to keep your eyes peeled for dark pee, jaundice, and losing your appetite. You'll find clay-colored poo when your liver is compromised with this med too, men. Get your doc's help for all of this right away!



Ketoconazole is a huge med too, men. Get ready for this antifungal to get rid of pityriasis, ringworm, athlete's foot, and yes, you guessed it, seborrhea! This one's a huge, huge powerhouse! You'll likely get it as a cream. Yes! Apply it to your skin or scalp. Obviously, your skin's got to be clean, not irritated. It can't have an open wound either! You're going to love this one, men. Yes, so many of you will! But hold your horses! Men, this one's not for you if you're allergic to sulfites or other antifungals. You can't take it when you've got asthma either. Make sure you go over this with your doc. Call them up now!

Those side effects? Yes! You know all of them: thinning hair, dry or itchy skin, and hair color or texture changes. Men, you need your doc as soon as you can when you're dealing with shortness of breath on this med! Don't delay in calling them up! Do it for pain where you applied this antifungal too, obviously. And guess what? Avoid the harsh soaps when you're taking this med. Stay out of the sun when you're on it for pityriasis too. There's a game on, so you're ready for that!



Fluconazole is so powerful, so powerful. Maybe even the most powerful! It's going to get fungal infections in your lungs, blood, mouth, esophagus, and bladder. Yes! You'll get it when you've got cancer or a bad immune system and your doc wants to prevent these infections. It'll even tackle the kind of meningitis that happens with HIV or AIDs. Obviously, though, your doc's got to assess you first. This med's not always right when you've got liver disease, heart problems, kidney disease, or similar problems.

You're ready for the side effects, clearly. Yes, many, many men get them. Men report dizziness, diarrhea, headaches, stomach pain, taste change, and nausea a lot. So much! You'll need to get ready for avoiding med interactions too, men. Talk to your doc about all your meds and supplements too! Fluconazole interacts with blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds, and blood thinners, along with so many others. So many others! Your fixes? Different doses and different meds!

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