Everything You Know About B Vitamins

You already know it, men, but it bears repeating: B vitamins are crucial! They're water-soluble, and you need them for your body to metabolize fats, carbs, and protein really, really well. Really well! You'll need them for DNA and RNA synthesis and repair too. Men, you know these vitamins are going to support your skin and nervous system. Your muscle tone will be better with these vitamins too! Of course, you've got to watch for signs you're lacking in B vitamins. They include weight loss, constipation, fatigue, memory issues, and mouth sores.

Men, you've got to take B vitamin supplements if you're on a vegan or vegetarian diet. It's how you get these vitamins for your health! You'll be able to choose what you want, like a B-complex tablet, biotin pills, or a vitamin B12 supplement! There are also injections, like vitamin B12 injections. You can even take vitamin B supplements for other things, like biotin for hair growth. That said, you know you've got to know about all the B vitamins first to get the best benefits.



Biotin's vitamin B7. You know it's also called vitamin H sometimes! Men, this is the typical B vitamin. Biotin's going to make sure your body breaks down carbs, fats, and protein well! Many, many people even say biotin's really good for reducing insulin resistance. You know where to find it in your food: egg yolks, avocados, almonds, and nutritional yeast. It's even in sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, and brewer's yeast, men! When you're following a Western diet, biotin deficiencies are very rare. So rare. Win! It's because the Western diet has a daily biotin intake of 35 to 70 mcg. Men, you need about 30 mcg daily when you're otherwise healthy!

That said, certain things make your risk of a biotin deficiency high. You know those things: taking certain seizure meds and drinking lots of alcohol regularly. The signs you're lacking biotin? Men, you know them: skin lesions, hair loss, and neurological issues (in severe cases). The good news is you can check your levels with a simple blood test. So simple! Just ask your doc. They'll get you on the right biotin supplement dose if you need it.



Folate's also called folic acid. Men, it's vitamin B9! This one helps you with forming red blood cells really, really well. It keeps your adrenal glands working optimally too. Win. This vitamin's going to help your nervous system and brain as well, no question. Men, you get folate in dark green veggies, peas, bananas, and oranges. Other really good sources are nuts, strawberries, and lemons. So good! But wait, there's more. Yes! Men, you get folate in fortified foods too. You guessed it: cereal included. You need about 400 mcg of folate daily as adults, men.

The good news? Most of you won't get a folate deficiency. That said, men, you know there are at-risk groups! This includes if you've got celiac disease. Make sure you get enough folate. Men, it helps lower your risk of different cancers and depression too! Supplements are helpful when you really need them. Of course, you know there are possible side effects! Examples are sleep problems, confusion, loss of appetite, nausea, and irritability. You've got to review your current meds with your doc first too, since the supplements can trigger med interactions!

Pantothenic Acid


Pantothenic acid is vitamin B5, men. Just like the others, this one helps your body use carbs, fats, and protein! It's essential. Men, you'll get vitamin B5 in your animal products. Yes, besides meat, this means dairy and eggs! There are other sources too, like veggies, legumes, grains, and cereals, but the animal sources are better. Of course, you've also got pantothenic acid supplements when you need them!

Men, you'll see this vitamin in skincare and hair care products too. Why? It's a huge, huge help for skin, nail, and hair health. You can get fewer acne breakouts with topical vitamin B5! What a win. Men, you'll need about 5 mcg of this vitamin daily. Your doc's going to tell you to get it through food when you can. But remember, there are supplements if needed! Guess what? There aren't any known interactions with the supplements, but you've still got to talk to your doc about your current meds first.



Niacin is vitamin B3! Men, your body uses this one to convert food into lots and lots of energy. You'll find it in peanuts, potatoes, passionfruit, and mushrooms. When you're 19 or older, men, you're going to need about 16 mg of niacin every day. You want this vitamin. Men, it helps increase HDL cholesterol! Yes, you know it: the healthy kind. Niacin's good for you when you've got high cholesterol and can't take statins. Sadly, though, they don't lower your risk of heart attacks or strokes like statins do. You also can't take niacin supplements when you've got stomach ulcers or severe liver disease!

Men, the common doses of these supplements are between 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily. When you're taking prescription niacin, expect some side effects, like nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, and pain in your abdomen. A rapid heartbeat is another example. And if you've got diabetes? These supplements often make blood sugar control harder for you. You'll be at a higher risk of gout too! Most of the side effects set in when your dose is between 2,000 to 6,000 mg daily. men, these supplements trigger interactions too. Examples? Some diabetes meds and zinc supplements. That's why you've got to talk to your doc first. It's so, so important. So important!



Men, you know about cyanocobalamin. It's vitamin B12! Well, a synthetic version of it. You'll be able to take this one as a tablet, liquid, or injection (if you're low in B12, obviously). Your risk of a B12 deficiency goes way, way up if you've got cancer or pernicious anemia. Malnutrition is another one, of course. Men, you can't have injections of this vitamin if you've got Leber's disease or cobalt allergies. You need to review your medical history with a doc before dealing with supplementing this vitamin. There are some points of concern. They're things like a history of heart disease, gout, diabetes, and bleeding conditions. Ulcerative colitis is another one! Your doc's got to make sure you'll be safe with cyanocobalamin injections and such. Obviously.

Expect side effects from the injections and supplements of this vitamin, men. The examples? Things like itching, joint pain, diarrhea, nausea, and headaches. The injections carry specific side effects too, like swelling, pain, and redness where the shot went in. Two others are fever and swelling spreading over more of your body. Men, keep a sharp eye out. You've got to report any side effects to your doc!

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