The Obvious, Obvious Signs Of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder's a huge, huge condition. Men, 3% of people in the US have it! This disorder involves harsh mood swings and very high highs, and very low lows. You know all about this condition! Men, it's split into episodes: manic and depressive. Each lasts from a few weeks to months at a time. Men, you have to have 1 case of mani to get a bipolar 1 diagnosis. Bipolar 2 comes when you've got hypomania, a low-grade form of mania. That said, don't let your guard down. It's still a huge concern!

Men, one of the best treatments for bipolar disorder is taking mood stabilizers! So many of you need more meds, like antidepressants and antipsychotics for bipolar disorder. Yes. You'll also get lots of psychotherapy for bipolar disorder. It's often continuous! Natural mood stabilizers help too. But men? You've obviously got to understand your symptoms first.

Huge Mood Swings


Huge, huge mood swings are a major sign of bipolar disorder. Big red flags here! But men, hold up. They're not regular mood changes! The DSM-5 has all the details. These swings in bipolar disorder have to last for certain periods! The depressive episodes, men, have to last at least 2 weeks. At least. The mania? At least 1 week! Everyone knows that mania is the high, high part of your mood swings in bipolar disorder.

But it's not positive! Men, this part means feeling wired energy, rapid talking and thinking, and not paying attention. You're going to have an inflated, so inflated, view of yourself too. The extreme mania? Expect delusions and hallucinations! The depressive episodes, yes, are the low lows. You've got to expect things like hopelessness, apathy, fatigue, and a low, low mood. So low!



Euphoria is huge in mania. So huge! Men, it's going to feel like intense, really intense, joy and excitement. But the thing is, euphoria in mania's often debilitating. It's too much, too much! Men, you know you'll feel on top of the world. Yes, you'll feel unstoppable. That means grandiose thoughts of yourself and your skills! Risky, risky behavior often appears here too. Obviously, you won't be surprised when your thoughts start racing in euphoria!

Men, think about it like this. Artists with euphoria and mania get really, really excited about starting lots of projects at the same time. They'll think it'll make them famous and feel extreme, extreme pride in their work. The turning point, though, is when euphoria and mania stop. They'll be left with unfinished projects that don't make any sense!

Poor Decision-Making


Men, you knew this was coming. Poor decision-making is a huge, huge warning sign of bipolar disorder. It's often the reason this condition has so many negative consequences! Sad. When you're dealing with this, your poor decisions often mean risky behaviors. In mania? Expect things like spending all of your savings and taking drugs. That said, depressive episodes can trigger drug use too. The poor decision-making then, though, typically means not taking care of yourself. Yes, that means failing to take care of basic needs. So men, when you have bipolar disorder, depressive episodes come with not eating well, not exercising, and not practicing basic personal hygiene!

Depressed Mood


We've already talked about it. You know all about a depressed mood being a symptom of bipolar disorder. Men, remember, it lasts for at least 2 weeks here! There's some important info to know, though. The mania is often the trigger for your depressed mood. Specifically, men, many of you will deal with serious negative consequences from risky behaviors. One of the behaviors? Maxing out your credit card! This often means financial trouble. Sad. The problem? Financial issues are a huge, huge reason for depression in many people. Yes, you too!

There's more to the depressed mood in this condition. Men, you'll lack interest in things you once got joy from! Feeling hopeless and having persistently low self-esteem are big too. Mania often makes your depressed mood hit harder, so much harder. It makes your risk of suicide go way up. Way up! But men, even a mix of the two states is bad. It'll make your risk of suicide rise a lot, by 71%!

Sleep Issues


Men, sleep issues are so, so common in bipolar disorder. Everyone is talking about it! They'll happen regardless of if you're in a manic or depressive episode. The issues just change! Men, insomnia is very common in mania. Very common! In fact, many of you won't sleep at all! It's because of high, high energy, unstoppable thoughts, and risky behaviors. So many people say it's like having a constant source of caffeine. They feel energized and can't sleep!

The lack of sleep catches up, though. Men, this is a big thing you've got to stay on watch for! Depressive episodes mean dealing with hypersomnia. You'll sleep so much, so much, but won't wake up feeling refreshed! Don't be surprised about sleep disturbances either. You know they're coming!

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