The Obvious, Obvious Symptoms Of Gallladder Attacks

Men, you've got gallstones blocking your bile duct during a gallbladder attack. This is very, very painful. So painful! These stones block your bile from flowing through the duct. Your gallbladder spasms during one of these attacks! Men, this happens to 1/3 of you with gallstones. You need to go to the ER right away when you're dealing with one of these attacks. Men, call in the troops! Your docs will use ultrasounds, CT scans, and x-rays to help you. Blood tests help check on your liver!

Pain and nausea meds at the hospital are very, very good. They're going to be major in helping you stay comfortable while docs run tests! Men, many of you need meds to dissolve gallstones. Ursodeoxycholic acid helps get rid of small ones! The best, very best thing is to achieve gallbladder pain relief. Many, many of you get gallbladder removal surgery to stop repeated attacks. But hold your horses. Men, you've got to understand your symptoms first!

Persistent Abdominal Pain


A huge, huge early sign of these attacks is persistent abdominal pain. It's going to be severe too! Men, this starts in the upper right part of your abdomen. But wait, some of you will feel it in the center of your abdomen also. This pain changes so much, so much, as the gallbladder attack progresses. Men, it'll often shift to the spot between your shoulder blades or your right shoulder!

So, so many of you will say this pain's stabbing and sharp. Very sharp! It'll start out of nowhere and last for hours. Men, don't be caught off-guard. You'll likely find it very hard to sit still because of the pain. So very hard! The good news? The pain doesn't get worse when you move. You'll get pain meds at the hospital too!

Fever And Chills


Men, be ready for this one! When you're dealing with a gallbladder attack, you'll have at least a low-grade fever. Yes, you know it. It means your temperature's between 100.4°F and 102.2°F! This isn't too bad, but it gets worse. A high, high fever means you've got an inflamed gallbladder. This is a common complication of these attacks! Men, when chills hit with your fever, you likely have a bacterial infection in your gallbladder too. Not fun. Sad.

Men, docs are going to watch your vitals at the hospital. This is so, so important for your treatment! Always, always let them know when you've got any chills or shaking. They're your front line soldiers for help! Docs often give your fever reducers to bring your temperature down. Men, there are huge, huge natural remedies too, like a cool compress on your head!

Nausea And Vomiting


Yes, you knew this was coming. Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of a gallbladder attack! It's because your body can't break down fats during the attack. Your bile duct's blocked, so blocked. The pain of these attacks makes your nausea and vomiting so much worse too. Sad. Men, you've got to go to the ER for these symptoms. Tell your doc when the symptoms started and how long they've lasted! Let them know how much vomiting you've had and if you can keep any liquids down. Anti-nausea med injections are going to help. Pain meds are so, so huge too, since less pain means less nausea and vomiting!

Tender Abdomen


Yes, you guessed it. Many, many of you, men, are going to have a tender abdomen! This is a huge, huge symptom. It's so serious! A tender abdomen means that you've got an inflamed gallbladder most of the time. It's also called cholecystitis! It happens when you've got gallstones stuck at the neck of your gallbladder. Your doc's going to check your abdomen twice for this symptom. First is, yes, to find out where it's tender and swollen! The second is to get more info on that area. Men, most cases mean you'll be tender in your upper right or middle abdomen when it's from gallbladder inflammation. Tell your doc all about your abdomen here. Men, you know to mention any pain. Let them know if it's sharp or dull. Hold up, though, that's not all. Say right away when you've got a tender upper back or right shoulder!

Many, many of you are going to need other tests here too. This means ones like and abdominal ultrasound or special MRI. That MRI? Yes! It's magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography to confirm gallbladder inflammation. Men, there's another huge one too. It's hepatobiliary nuclear imaging. It'll help your doc find out when you've got a blocked cystic duct! That's common in acute gallbladder inflammation. The good news? You've got so many treatments! Fasting gives your gallbladder a break. A low-fat diet is so, so helpful too. And men? Bile drainage and gallbladder removal surgery are very powerful also!

Dark Pee


Dark pee is a late, late sign of gallbladder attacks. Men, this one means you haven't gotten any treatment for hours! It's a huge sign of an inflamed gallbladder too. Men, your pee'll likely be dark brown. Yes, a bit like tea! That said, bright yellow pee is common, so common, here too. In both cases, the discolored pee's a sign that your gallstones are blocking your bile duct. That means the bile pigment's forming in your gallbladder!

Rejoice! There are many ways to treat this symptom. You've just got to get the best treatment for a gallbladder attack! This'll be in the hospital, since you'll need IV antibiotics most of the time. Surgery helps stop complications and future attacks oo. Your doc's going to talk about this with you!

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