The Obvious Signs Of Turner Syndrome

Men, you're not going to get Turner syndrome. But if you're going to have a daughter? She can! This one's an issue with a missing X chromosome. It's going to be partially missing or even completely gone! Men, this one's often diagnosed at birth. But sometimes? Your baby girl won't be diagnosed until her early childhood. It's all down to the symptoms she's got! These are often, so often, developmental ones. Physical too!

Thankfully, you've got so much power here. Turner syndrome treatment is possible! Do it quickly, and she'll improve a lot. She'll improve so much! Growth hormone therapy for Turner syndrome is a great start. And when it's time for puberty? Your baby girl needs estrogen therapy for Turner syndrome! She'll need many people on her medical team. One of the huge ones? Developmental therapists for Turner syndrome! They'll tackle all her symptoms and needs. No question.

Low-Set Ears


Men, your baby girls are going to have low-set ears. These are always there, even from birth! The good news? They help her get an early diagnosis! Many, many men see their daughters' ears rotate out. They just won't stay flat! Men, her low-set ears cause problems. Many girls with Turner syndrome lose their hearing. They do! But it doesn't happen right away, no need to worry. It happens over time, thanks to nerve function problems. Men, she's going to have more ear infections too. The more ear infections she has, the more likely hearing loss gets. The ear bones won't vibrate right when there's an infection. No vibration, not as good hearing!

Abnormal Jaw And Palate


Many, many men see something abnormal about their daughters' jaw and palate when she's got Turner syndrome. Expect to see a high and narrow palate. And her jaw? It'll be smaller than it should. It's likely receding too! Men, this means your daughter's teeth aren't going to grow right. She'll have tooth decay more often. She'll deal with a misaligned bite too!

You've got to expect other dental issues because of her abnormal jaw and palate. Don't get comfy, men! You'll see thin enamel, too short roots, and not enough dentin. Smaller teeth too! And when your girl gets her adult teeth? That receding jaw means tooth crowding! Expect to take her in to get her teeth removed more often. Periodontal disease is a huge, huge risk here too!

Slow Growth


Everyone knows this one. Men, if your baby girl has Turner syndrome, she's going to grow slow. Slow growth is a huge, huge sign here. You'll spot it when she's an infant, no question there. It'll continue into her childhood. Men, expect a huge decline in her growth rate when she's 2 to 4 years old. A huge decline! So huge! She's going to be much shorter, much shorter, than others. It's because of the SHOX gene. It won't have the working 2 X chromosomes it needs! She also won't be using growth hormone as well as she should. Men, you need to help her with artificial growth hormone! It'll let her grow better, much better!

Wide Neck


You'll spot this sign in your baby girl in no time, men. Her wide neck's also going to look like it's webbed! There are extra skin folds here. Of course that's why it looked webbed! This means your baby girl's one of the 30 percent of those with Turner syndrome who have a wide neck. The webbing you see? It starts at the sides of her neck. It'll reach her shoulders! It'll often mean her hairline gets to the bottom of her neck, not the back of her head. Men, you've also got to know about the bone problems the webbed neck might mean. And when she's older? She'll be more self-conscious and anxious. Yes, you guessed it. A webbed neck isn't something she'll want to look at! Be ready to fight for her then, men. Step up to the plate!

Short Toes And Fingers


Men, there's no missing this sign. Your baby girl's going to have short toes and fingers. And her nails? Narrower, of course! They'll turn upward too. Her feet and hands are going to be swollen when she's born too. Men, this swelling sticks around for a while when she's a baby! This sign's a huge one. It's connected to her slow growth and skeletal abnormalities.

Men, you've got so much power to help this one. She'll need an x-ray to see how much more she can grow. Her growth plates in her hands and feet can't be closed! When they're not, she'll benefit from synthetic growth hormone. So much benefit from this! Get her what she needs.

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