The Obvious Symptoms Of Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia is a huge one. So huge! Men, it's in about 6% of you. Yes! You'll know it by 'developmental coordination disorder' a lot of the time too. You know why: because of its symptoms! It usually, men, starts when you're young. You know this! They last a long time, such a long time. The problem? They're hard to pinpoint! They're also more than many, many think they are!

But men, you've got power! There are many, many things out there for dyspraxia treatment. So many things! The best things! You're going to see occupational therapy for dyspraxia. There's even cognitive behavioral therapy for dyspraxia for so many of you too! You'll even get powerful treatment from natural remedies for dyspraxia. It's as easy as regular exercise! So easy. But men? You know you need to keep your symptoms in mind for the best treatment for dyspraxia.

Poor Posture


Men, so many of you, so so many, are going to see poor posture with this condition. So many of you are going to have this symptom! Yes, it's very, very common when you're a kid. More common then than when you're an adult. But men? It still happens in most of you with dyspraxia when you're an adult! You'll see this one for many reasons. So many reasons! Many men, yes, many of you, have weak muscle tone. You know what that means! You're not going to stand up straight very well. Not very well at all! It'll also mean huge, huge problems with balance. So huge! You learn posture when you're young, men. Yes! You're masters at imitating others. The best at doing it! But when you've got dyspraxia? It's very, very hard to learn posture. So hard!

Poor Hand-Eye Coordination


There's going to be issues with your hand-eye coordination. Yes, you knew this was coming, men. You did! It's going to be very, very poor hand-eye coordination with this condition. Easy tasks will be hard to do! So hard! Men, feed-forward control is an issue here. That's when you're supposed to move your hands for something before your eyes have fully focused on it. Healthy men do just that all the time without thinking! This is not what happens when you've got dyspraxia, not at all! Instead, you have to focus on the object first before moving your hands at all.

Men, so many of you are going to have trouble keeping your focus on the item too. And your eyes move vertically so much slower than they do horizontally! Obviously, changing your focus is so hard too. This is all why you've got poor hand-eye coordination in dyspraxia, men. You know it!

Perception Issues


Watch out for your perception, men. Yes! You'll get perception issues with dyspraxia too. You know this one. Men, you do! It's problems with knowing the difference between what you see, smell, hear, taste, and feel! Many, many men know how to tell 2 textures apart. But when dyspraxia is on the table? It's much harder, so much harder, to do.

The best people, the very best, say this is why you see problems with many tasks. Think about handwriting, men! This is a huge one. When you don't have this condition, you'll write smoothly. So smoothly! But with dyspraxia? Men, you know you're going to think hard about what you're writing next. That means pausing! It means physically coordinating your hands too! It's down to your senses: touch and sight! They're getting the worst signals when you've got this condition! Sad.



Yes, men, you'll be very, very clumsy when you've got dyspraxia. So clumsy!. You already know about the hand-eye coordination issues, men. But there's more! It affects your overall coordination, so yes, clumsiness is a huge warning sign! It's why this used to be called 'clumsy child syndrome.' So yes, you'll see huge, huge balance problems when walking. You can't stay steady too well. Weak muscle tone is a big factor here. So big! Of course, the hand-eye problems make you a lot more clumsy overall too!

Men, this is the big one. The biggest! Being very, very clumsy si what disrupts your life a lot. When you're a kid, it means a tougher time with school tasks. And as an adult? Your job gets a lot harder to do too! This one's a huge reason for self-esteem problems too. Be ready!

Trouble Learning New Skills


You're very smart, men, you are! Dyspraxia doesn't change that. It doesn't! That said, there's a huge issue here. You're going to have trouble learning new skills when you've got this condition! Yes, you will! It's because of the problems it triggers with your visual-spatial working memory. You know what this is! It's your memory with shapes, colors, and where things are located. Yes, it wreaks havoc on short-term memory the most. That's why it's going to take you a lot longer to learn things. A whole lot longer!

Men, you know this is a coordination issue. But it's more than that. So much more! It's also a learning disorder. You know this one's coming. Many, many of you with it also have ADHD or autism spectrum disorder. They impact you, your learning, and your memory a lot like dyspraxia does. So much like it!

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