The Obvious Symptoms Of A Magnesium Deficiency

Men, you know you need magnesium. It's a crucial mineral in your body! Yes. It's part of many, many enzyme reactions. So many! This mineral gives you immune support, regulates your blood pressure, and helps out your muscle and nerve function. Men, you know where to find magnesium. 50 to 60% is in your bones! The rest? Your muscles, body fluids, and soft tissues. It's going to protect your heart and reduce harmful arrhythmias. Men, it's going to be huge for insulin metabolism and blood sugar control too! There's also a link between low magnesium and a higher, much higher, risk of type 2 diabetes. You know you don't want that.

You need treatment for a magnesium deficiency. The good news? You've got options! Men, natural remedies for magnesium deficiencies are really effective. So effective! A huge one's a magnesium-rich diet! There's also oral magnesium, of course, in the form of magnesium tablets. That said, intravenous magnesium's an option too, especially for a severe deficiency. Of course, men, you know you have to know about the signs of a magnesium deficiency first.



Fatigue's everywhere. Men, it's a common, so common symptom. It's a general one too! Feeling fatigued every so often is normal. That said, persistent fatigue isn't! Persistent fatigue is a symptom of a magnesium deficiency. This is very, very common. Yes, men, up to 75% of you don't get enough magnesium in your diet! The ideal amount for you, men, is 410 to 420 mg daily as an adult. You need more as you get older. You do!

Men, not having enough magnesium triggers fatigue in a couple ways. Yes. It makes cell processes that give you energy a lot less efficient. A lot less! Fatigue here is also linked to your adrenal glands. Men, these are just above your kidneys. They're supposed to make the hormones you need for many vital, vital body functions. So many of them! Not having enough magnesium causes adrenal insufficiency. Yes, that's where the fatigue kicks in!

Appetite Loss


Men, you'll lose your appetite when you've got a magnesium deficiency. Yes, not getting enough magnesium in your diet has a very close, very close connection to appetite loss. A huge reason for it is chronic inflammation! It's systemic inflammation too. Men, you'll deal with disruptions in your appetite hormones and hunger mechanisms as a result of not getting enough magnesium.

Another reason for the loss of your appetite because you don't have enough magnesium is related to your hypothalamus. This part of your brain needs magnesium to work. You'll also see some appetite loss, men, thanks to an electrolyte imbalance involving calcium and magnesium. These 2 key electrolytes work together! But the thing is, low magnesium triggers a calcium drop. This drop is another trigger for appetite loss.

Nausea And Vomiting


Nausea and vomiting are so common, men, so common. Very common! They've got many causes too. The most common? A reaction to something you ate or waste buildup in your body. Men, nausea and vomiting are also 2 very early signs of a magnesium deficiency. There's more. Your kidneys and liver are both very, very closely linked to how much magnesium you have in your body. Yes! That's why nausea and vomiting appear with kidney and liver disease too.

Men, your kidneys are so important. So important! They keep the right magnesium balance in your body. They also filter metabolic body waste from your blood. Your liver also filters toxins, and it needs some magnesium to work. You know what happens, men, if either of these organs isn't working right because you don't have enough magnesium. It's when nausea and vomiting set in!

Numbness And Tingling


Men, you know what numbness and tingling mean. They're signs of nerve issues! You'll likely deal with these feelings in your extremities. Lots of nerve damage and malfunction comes from compressing a nerve. A huge, huge reason for this is if you put too much pressure on a nerve or put pressure on for a long time, men. One example? Sciatica! Men, you also get some temporary numbness if you stay in the same position for too long.

You need enough magnesium for your nerves to work the way they should. It's also going to protect your nerve cells from dying too soon! Men, the sad thing? You know it already: numbness and tingling are signs you're not getting enough magnesium! You're more likely, so much more likely, to deal with numbness and tingling if you've got a lack of magnesium. Yes, this even happens if you don't put more pressure on your nerves!

Muscle Cramps


Muscle cramps, men, are a huge, huge sign of muscle malfunction. They're not fun. You'll get them for many, many reasons, like dehydration, stress, too much caffeine, and even certain meds! Men, another big reason for muscle cramps is one you know. Yes, you know about it: a magnesium deficiency! Your body needs magnesium and calcium to work together. Yes, both. It's what gives you proper muscle function, and you want that!

Men, the calcium starts the process. It gets into your muscle cells and gets your muscle stimulated to contract! Magnesium is what swoops in to make sure your muscle doesn't get overstimulated. That means when you don't have enough magnesium, there's not much to block calcium! Men, the result is trigger muscle cramps. It's also so, so important to know not having enough magnesium can mean heart cramps too! This muscle cramp is an abnormal heart rhythm. It's not contracting the way it should. Men, you can also get heartbeat issues when the lack of magnesium triggers certain electrical impulses.

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