The Very, Very Common Symptoms Of Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's syndrome used to be something different from autism. But men, in 2013, that changed! It's now considered to be one condition on the autism spectrum. Many, many experts think it's on the high-functioning end! That's why it's a lot easier for people with it to achieve success and independence. That said, there is an alternate diagnosis: social pragmatic communication disorder. It's in the DSM-5!

Men, you already know that treatment for Asperger's syndrome varies. Different people need different things! One common option is communication skills training for Asperger's syndrome. Another one? Getting cognitive behavioral therapy for Asperger's syndrome! Anxiety meds and supplements for Asperger's syndrome can help so much too. So much. And men, don't ever forget about educational support for Asperger's syndrome! Understanding the symptoms helps you make sure you've got the best Asperger's syndrome treatment coming down the pipeline.

Need To Follow Routines


Men, men, most people with Asperger's have a huge, huge need to follow routines! They get very, very distressed if something stops them from doing this. This condition means they don't adapt well to sudden changes or interruptions. Not well at all! Men, you've got to tell people with Asperger's in advance when there's going to be a change. This gives them the best chance to prepare!

Routines are what let them feel sure. Anything that breaks the routine takes this away! Men, think about it like this. You follow routines a lot. Getting a morning coffee is a huge, huge one. You wouldn't be happy if you couldn't get that coffee. That feeling? So much bigger for someone with Asperger's! So much bigger!

Motor Development Delays


Men, you've heard about this. Many, many people with Asperger's deal with motor development delays. Experts say up to 87% of people on the spectrum do! Yes, this includes this condition! But men, hold your horses. These delays aren't a core sign of Asperger's! It's because many other neurodegenerative disorders carry these delays as symptoms too. Yes, like ADHD and Down syndrome!

Men, you know what's coming. The motor skill delays are so, so different between people with Asperger's. Some only have issues with fine motor skills, like writing. Others deal with huge, huge issues in their overall motor development. That means things like walking funny! Low muscle tone is big with Asperger's. Men, this is a huge reason for trouble reaching developmental milestones. A huge reason! Men, some people with this syndrome have these issues from birth. Others aren't spotted until later.

Stiff Or Formal Speech


Speech is a huge part of Asperger's. They're all talking about it! Men, many people with Asperger's have stiff or formal speech. This happens a lot. So much. A big part of diagnosing Asperger's was autistic traits without speech delays. But that was when this was a separate condition. Men, even people without the delays still have stiff or formal speech! They'll use vocabulary that's too advanced or formal in another way for casual conversations. This is what others find offputting!

Formal and stiff speech isn't intentional with Asperger's. You know that. People with it just talk in really, really great detail about what they think is interesting. What's more, but they also struggle to relate to others. Men, this adds to the struggle in relaying their ideas! Not thinking in verbal language is part of this too. People with Asperger's often think in pictures or emotions. Both are so hard, so hard, to translate into words.

Misses Sarcasm, Jokes, And Social Cues


Men, this one's iconic. It is! Missing sarcasm, jokes, and social cues is a huge sign of Asperger's. People with this condition can't interpret tone nearly as well as others. It's so hard for them, so hard. That's why they take people at their word. They think they're serious! You know what is similar, you do. Men, it's a bit like struggling to pick out someone's tone in a text message or email.

Studies have looked at why this happens in Asperger's. Men, they say patients don't follow another person's eye movements when they're talking. They'll often not look at their face either! Men, this is a huge, huge part of missing sarcasm and social cues. Jokes too! Men, you know your facial expressions are so big when you're talking. They change your tone a lot, especially with things like jokes and social cues!

Proximity Problems


Here's another one! Men, proximity problems are huge with Asperger's syndrome. It happens differently though. The first problem? People with this condition don't naturally know how far or close they have to stand from someone in various social situations. There's always an acceptable distance, but it's often an unspoken one. That's what makes it hard for people with Asperger's. They don't interpret well! The result's them standing way too close or too far from others.

The other proximity problem? Lots of people with Asperger's have anxiety when others stand close to them. This is a perfect example of varying symptom presentation. A perfect example! In both cases, though, men, you know what happens. People with Asperger's experience lots and lots of distress. So much distress! Of course, sometimes with the first one, it's when people point out what they did without realizing it.

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