The Very, Very Common Symptoms Of Stress

Men, you'll get stressed. Yes. Stress is so, so common and natural! It's even healthy in small amounts. It'll keep you motivated and help you avoid threats. The problem? Too much stress causes many, many problems, men. So many! Lots of stress hurts your relationships, work, and school performance. Men, stress also impacts your physical and mental health in huge, huge ways.

Men, you need stress relief. You do! You'll be very, very successful with natural stress management. Great choices for home remedies for stress are meditation and exercise! Many, many of you will try natural supplements for anxiety and stress too. That said, men, prescription stress pills are huge as well. Just understand your symptoms first!

Sick A Lot


Men, stress puts a huge, huge strain on your body. That's why a major symptom is you being sick a lot! Stress makes viral and bacterial infections a lot more likely. So much more likely. It's because stress impairs your immune system, leaving you vulnerable. Yes, vulnerable! Stress makes it a lot harder for your body to make antibodies. That's why you get sick a lot! Stress also means vaccines are less effective. But it doesn't stop there, men. Stress reactivates many viruses too, like the herpes simplex virus!

Your hormones are going to be out of balance when you're stressed. Sad. Yes, two affected hormones are cortisol and corticosterone! They're supposed to protect your body. But when they're too high for too long? You guessed it: your body stops responding. It means inflammation and being sick a lot. A lot! You'll even see more chronic health issues.



Men, you know to expect nausea as a symptom of stress. Everyone knows about it! It's so, so common to feel nauseous when you're stressed. So common. The reason? You already know it! There are many, many connections between your gut and central nervous system. Men, you've got a neurotransmitter network that controls the feelings in your stomach, abdomen, and intestines. Yes! This is what impacts nausea. It does this in a few ways, men. One is regulating ghrelin. That's the hormone that controls your mood and hunger!

When you're stressed, men, your body makes more ghrelin. It does. That's why nausea is a huge, huge sign of stress! Anticipatory nausea is big too. That comes when you think about something that stressed you out. You get nauseous just thinking about it, yes. Sad.



Dizziness is so, so common in stress. Men, it's because it's a common sign of many, many conditions triggered by stress. One example? Yes, PTSD! When you've got PTSD, two major signs are vertigo and dizziness. Another huge one is a vestibular migraine. Stress causes it, and feeling dizzy is a major symptom!

You'll also see lots of anxiety because of stress. Men, anxiety causes shallow breathing. This means you won't get enough oxygen in your blood. When that impacts your brain, and it will, you'll feel really, really dizzy. Lightheaded too! Men, dizziness is huge in all kinds of stress, but especially emotional and mental stress.



Men, you saw this coming! It's so, so obvious. Yes. Stress carries irritability as a huge, huge sign. You'll see this set in before other things, like anger, mood swings, fatigue, and depression. The link between irritability and stress is so, so clear. Everyone knows about it! Everyone. Stress makes you irritable in many ways, like when it releases cytokines! Men, that's how stress causes inflammation. Cytokines also influence your mood and trigger problems like irritability! It comes down to disrupting the circuitry between your brain, yes, and your nervous system.

Stress also makes your body create more hormones. One of them? Yes, the stress hormone: cortisol! That's why you get imbalances, men. Irritability is a huge, huge result of this. Sadly, it'll affect your quality of life and relationships. This symptom even means worsened symptoms of things like heart failure. Sad.

Anxiety And Depression


You know what to expect. Men, anxiety and depression are huge signs of stress too! They're very, very common. So common. They happen in both chronic and short-term stress! Men, a huge reason is oxidative stress. That's when your body can't protect itself thanks to too many free radicals and not enough antioxidants. Men, mental stress is a common trigger for oxidative stress in your brain. It's so very common! This is a big reason for anxiety and depression because of general stress.

Men, you know that stress means your body makes lots and lots of cortisol. That's another trigger for oxidative stress, resulting in depression and anxiety. But hold your horses, because that's not all. Cortisol also means you're going to see your serotonin levels go down. Yes, your serotonin will go way, way down. This is the happy hormone. A lack of it is one of the most common causes of anxiety and depression!

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