Essential Oils That Fight Hair Loss

No man likes to deal with baldness! Losing hair when you didn't ask for it is a huge confidence crusher. Everyone knows it! This is why many, many men want the best doctor for hair loss. They need hair loss meds to reverse the changes! Some men even turn to stem cell therapy for hair loss or a hair transplant for thinning hair. What matters is getting the right hair loss treatment. And guess what? There are essential oils for hair growth!

Rosemary Oil


Men, you want to see hair growth and not hair loss? Use rosemary oil! Massage it into your scalp at night. It'll stimulate your hair follicles, men! When these are active, the hair will grow more and longer too. If you've got alopecia areata or another hair condition? Men, the effect of rosemary oil on your hair is even better! Even better! You can see a boost in hair growth by up to 44%. Wow! It can replace hair loss medication in many, many cases. Men, you won't even have to deal with an itchy scalp! Isn't that so, so amazing?

Lavender Oil


Lavender is so great for men with hair loss. It helps make cells grow, for one, but it also reduces stress! Many, many men forget about the effect of stress on their bodies. Yes, it can make you lose hair, men! It's also got important properties for scalp health. What are these? Its an antimicrobial and antibacterial. Bacteria won't stand a chance here! Men, embrace the smell of lavender and use it on your scalp. Massage a few drops into your hair. Rinse and shampoo! Do it and watch your hair grow again! It'll grow so, so fast. You won't believe it!

Tea Tree Oil


Tea tree oil is so powerful. So powerful. Men, you already know it helps get rid of acne. Everyone is talking about that! But guess what? It's also great at dealing with hair loss! It's an antimicrobial and antibacterial, just like lavender oil! It's also an incredibly cleansing agent. Incredible! It unplugs your hair follicles, men, just like it unplugs your pores! This makes your hair grow more and more. If you've got dandruff? Tea tree oil is your best bet, men. Your very best one! Massage some drops of tea tree oil into your scalp at night. Want more power? Men, mix tea tree oil with your shampoo and wash as normal!

Peppermint Oil


Everyone knows about peppermint oil. It's the one that brings on the tingling feeling! It's so, so cooling. No one can deny it! And guess what, men? This tingling feeling is exactly why you need it to stop hair loss! This feeling is what increases the circulation to where the peppermint oil is applied. So on your scalp? It'll force more blood to go into your head. This makes your hair grow more and more, so say goodbye to hair loss! You'll get more hair follicles, and they'll be deeper too! Embrace the coolness of peppermint oil, men, and apply a few drops onto your scalp! Massage it in with a carrier oil and walk away with a full head of hair!

Cedarwood Oil


The oil your hair produces is very important. Yes, everyone's hair produces some oil, men. But if the oil in your hair isn't balanced, you've got problems! These problems? One of them is hair loss! This is where cedarwood oil shines! It balances the oil glands in your scalp, men. This means it won't produce too much or too little! This gives your hair the perfect opportunity to grow. It's more than perfect!

Cedarwood oil is also an antifungal and antibacterial. They're saying this helps stop conditions like dandruff, which can contribute to hair loss! Want even more powerful effects? Mix cedarwood oil with rosemary and lavender oil to treat a condition like alopecia areata! The results will be surprising to so many men!