Natural Remedies To Manage Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a severe, progressive condition where the immune system attacks the nervous system. Although this is a serious condition, more multiple sclerosis is needed. Everyone knows it! At first, men will consult an MS specialist and will need ms meds and therapy. MS support groups are very, very popular too! An MS cure isn’t available, but managing many, many symptoms through natural MS remedies is! Men, you can be more comfortable.



Acupuncture is a very, very popular natural treatment. It’s used for many conditions, and multiple sclerosis is no different. They’re saying acupuncture takes away the pain, numbness, and yes, tingling! Of course, men, you know talking to an MS specialist first is needed. Why? They’re going to be able to recommend the right acupuncturist. Many of them have experience in treating MS. These are the best ones to deliver each session! Regular sessions are the best, the very best, for keeping control over MS. But men, schedules will vary. This is another reason why talking to an MS specialist first is vital!

Get More Vitamin D And Calcium


Osteoporosis is a serious concern for all men with MS. Men, this means you need to keep your bones strong, so get more vitamin D and calcium. They’re even saying vitamin D can repair the myelin sheath. This is what MS attacks! But how do you get more vitamin D and calcium?

Well, men, start with fatty fish and egg yolks for vitamin D. Milk, cheese, and dairy have the calcium you need. And if you’re struggling? There’s always calcium and vitamin D supplements out there. They’ve got your back, men, there’s no need to suffer any longer. Get those bones strong again! Do it!

Cranberry Supplements And Juice


Men with MS are at a high, high risk of getting bladder infections and urinary tract infections. These are very painful, everyone knows it! It’s even more annoying when men are already dealing with painful MS symptoms. But there is some hope! Cranberry supplements and yes, cranberry juice are proven ways to help these infections. Everyone, absolutely everyone, knows about them. It’s impossible not to! However, they are better at preventing these infections!

So then, men, you have to know what’s coming! Talk to an MS specialist and figure out how often you should take a supplement. Ones with probiotics for the urinary tract are the best! Of course, drinking cranberry juice with breakfast is more than perfect too.

Cool The Body Down


Everyone knows MS symptoms get much, much worse when the body is hot. Overheating is no man’s friend! Not one! So MS specialists often make keeping the body cool a major part of treatment for all men. Many, many men get special cooling vests to help do this. But there are more ways to help! Air conditioning is vital, because yes, the summer gets very hot. Men, you’ll need to wear light clothes and drink something cold. No air conditioning? A fan works just fine! Men who are near water? Take a swim in a lake or even in a pool to cool off. Men with MS who aren’t close to water should take a cool bath. This is a good substitute!

Practice Stress Relief


Like overheating, stress makes MS symptoms worsen. The results of stress mean a man’s hands will shake even more than before, his voice too! Men will find it much, much harder to walk when stressed. And as everyone knows, MS makes it tough to walk in the first place. As much as it may be wanted, stress relief can’t cure MS. It won’t slow it down. But it does make MS easier to handle in day-to-day life!

Men, this is something within your control. Find what methods of stress relief are right for you. Not sure where to start? Many, many people have found yoga, deep breathing, Pilates, and meditation are good places to begin. Yoga and similar exercises can even help with the muscle symptoms of MS. Good! Two birds with one stone.