The Best Foods That Help Breast Cancer Recovery In Men

Many, many men know about breast cancer. Yes, it's so common in women. But hold your horses, men, you get this one too! You do! More men than most think get this type of cancer. There's some great news, though. Breast cancer is so treatable. So treatable!

Men, there are so many breast cancer treatments out there. You've even got lots of ways to treat breast cancer without surgery! Of course, you know what's coming. Chemotherapy for breast cancer in men is so common. Immunotherapy for cancer is on your table too! But the best treatment for metastatic breast cancer? You're going to need surgery for breast cancer. Holistic breast cancer treatment is out there too. You'll beat this one. Men, you will! Then, your eyes have to turn to breast cancer recovery! Start with the best breast cancer diet.

Kale And Spinach


Men, you've got to eat your greens! You're on the road to recovery from breast cancer. Green veggies like kale and spinach will keep you there! They've got lots and lots of carotenoids in them, men. That's how many, many veggies get their color! Carotenoids are strong, strong antioxidants. So strong! The strongest! They're going to stop breast cancer from coming back. They are! It's been backed by the best science.

Studies on this have been in women many, many times. One that spanned 5 years gave amazing results! And yes, men, they help you too! This 5-year study was so great. So very great. It gave people carotenoid-rich foods, men. Very few had breast cancer return! What a win! That's a huge, huge win.

Fatty Fish


Fill up with fatty, fatty fish. Men, fill your plate! Fatty fish is so good, so good at helping you with breast cancer. The best! It's obviously because of all the omega-3 fatty acids, men. Omega-3s are the healthiest! They'll stop your cancer from returning. But guess what? Men, they're even going to stop cancer from spreading!

Hold your horses, though. Fatty fish is so powerful, so can even stop breast cancer from happening in the first place. Yes! You'll lower your risk so much. So much! Men, start eating lots and lots of trout, mackerel, tuna, and salmon.

Citrus Fruit


Breast cancer recovery means citrus fruit. They help you so much here. Many, many men recover so fast when they eat lots and lots of citrus fruit. It starts because citrus fruits have so much vitamin C. So much of it! Men, that vitamin's so good for your immune system. The very best, even. Vitamin C even works so well at stopping cancer spread!

Men, grapefruit is the best one for you. Yes, it's got vitamin C in it. But men, it's also got lots of lycopene! That's a carotenoid! Remember how good those are? Of course you do! Grapefruit means no more cancer cell growth. It'll even mean destroying more and more cancer cells! Enzymes will get to work and break down cancer-causing chemicals. Men, get some grapefruit in you now!



Beans, beans, beans. Eat some beans, men! Beans are so great for breast cancer recovery. You need to get some now! Beans help lower the chance that your cancer's going to come back. They will! Why? Because they've got enterolactone! This is going to make your cancer cells so sensitive, so sensitive, to radiation therapy. The more sensitive, the better. Men, it makes radiation so much more effective!

You'll want lots of black beans. They stop cancer cells from growing new blood vessels. Yes! That means the tumors struggle to grow. The tumors won't get the blood they need with black beans in your corner! No more spread!



This is the best time to go blue. Go with blueberries when you're recovering from breast cancer, men! They're so healthy for you. Blueberries have so much pterostilbene. That's a huge, huge phytochemical. It's going to reverse cell mutation and force cancer cells to stop growing. Men, blueberries will even destroy the cancer cells in the end!

Of course, these little blue berries have got even more power. They get rid of free radicals! You know what these are. These atoms don't have electrons, so they've got to look for them elsewhere! Men, when they bind to other electrons, you're facing cell damage. This is a huge, huge cause of cancer. Yes, including breast cancer in you, men! But the good news? Blueberries stop this. Breast cancer isn't going to return!

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