The Best, Very Best Foods For Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a huge, huge psychiatric disorder. Men, it's a strong one! It'll change how you perceive reality. You know what to expect: positive and negative symptoms. Obviously, positive ones add something, like hallucinations and delusions. The negative ones take away! Expect less attachment to reality, low energy, and trouble with emotions.

There's some good news coming. Men, you've got many schizophrenia treatment options! Yes! Most schizophrenia remedies include meds and psychotherapy. You'll want antipsychotics, obviously. They're the best medicine for schizophrenia! Of course, many, many men benefit from supplements for schizophrenia too. Talk to your doc about treatment for schizophrenia. That said, you can start with a good schizophrenia diet and eat the best foods!

Fatty Fish


Men, you've got to eat lots of fatty fish. Yes, it's time to eat so much fish! You need fatty fish for all the omega-3s it's got. These help with your brain's healthy structural and biochemical development. Omega-3s are very, very good for schizophrenia. They influence the same neurotransmitters! Not getting enough omega-3s, men, triggers huge, huge issues. So huge! It's going to mean worse symptoms in schizophrenia. The reason? You know it already! Your neurotransmitters are unregulated without it.

Many, many men even stop this disorder from happening in the first place. Yes, it's all thanks to omega-3s! They're protecting your brain with antioxidants. It means less cell death! Men, your doc's going to recommend fatty fish when you're a high-risk person for this disorder. You've got to start eating fish about 3 times every week! Obviously, though, don't eat more than 5. That's too much!

Flax Seeds


It's time to stock up on flax seeds, men! You've got to eat these ones for all the omega-3s they have. Yes, they'll give you the same benefits as fatty fish for schizophrenia. In fact, men, you're going to get 1,597 mg of omega-3s for every tablespoon of flax seeds you eat! What a win. Men, flax seeds are a huge, huge superfood. They've got so many other great nutrients for you. All of them are going to help with schizophrenia! You'll get protein, fiber, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, and even iron. There are so many others too, so many others! Men, you'll get control over your symptoms before you know it. Lots of benefits come from these nutrients. Yes, like lower blood pressure and a better, much better, immune system. Men, you'll even have better blood sugar control. This is so great, so great, since so many of you with schizophrenia also end up with diabetes!



Chow down on lots and lots of blueberries. Men, this superfood's amazing for schizophrenia. Yes, so amazing. The best! It's going to give you lots of antioxidants. Of course, you know why that's so important! These antioxidants are going to stop the oxidative molecules in your body. Yes, your body makes those molecules as cells work so hard and break down. When you've got schizophrenia and lots of these molecules, you'll see more and more negative symptoms. But with antioxidants from blueberries? Your symptoms get so much better!

Men, you'll also deal with lots of free radicals and cell damage. This damage makes your medical treatments much less effective. So much less effective! You'll need blueberries for this too. They stop the free radicals in their tracks! Men, you'll benefit from many other nutrients too, like vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, and fiber. All of them are so great for your condition. So great!

Beans And Lentils


Men, you know lots about your brain. It's got to keep its neurochemistry right by going through methylation. The problem? This'll be faulty for you when you've got schizophrenia! It'll mean more homocysteine in your blood. So much more than you need! There's an easy fix, though. So easy. Men, you've got to get folic acid and B-vitamins! That's why you're going to love eating beans and lentils. They have so much of what you need. So much!

That said, men, there's one more thing you have to know about. Many, many of you with schizophrenia struggle getting benefits from folic acid. It's down to your genetics! The best solution? Eat more beans and lentils than someone healthy. That way, you'll end up actually benefitting from their nutrients. Aside from the ones talked about? Beans and lentils are great for fiber and protein too!

Sweet Potatoes


Fill up on sweet potatoes! These have so much beta-carotene. Schizophrenia symptoms don't stand a chance against this antioxidant, men. They don't! You'll stop free radicals from damaging cells so fast. Yes. Men, you're going to get so much, so much, from sweet potatoes. One cup is what you need! This has 750% of your daily vitamin A. It's also got so much fiber, protein, copper, vitamin B6, and niacin. Men, men, you'll get lots and lots of potassium, vitamin C, manganese, and pantothenic acid from sweet potatoes too! You need these nutrients. They'll keep you healthy and feeling great, even with schizophrenia!

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