Diet Tips For Lowering Blood Pressure

Men, you have to keep your blood pressure managed. High blood pressure is a serious health risk! Many, many men will use a continuous blood pressure monitor to keep an eye on their levels. Some need the safest blood pressure medicine around! Other men don't like meds for blood pressure. They're the ones who need to rely on a bp test machine. But there's more: diet and vitamins for high blood pressure. Take control and act now to lower your blood pressure through diet, men!

Keep Track Of Food


Men, you have an amazing weapon in your arsenal. It's the best, the best tool for lowering your blood pressure with diet! So, what is it? Keeping track of all the foods you eat! What did you eat? When did you eat it? How much of it did you eat? You're going to need all of, yes, all of, this info! Men, this info lets you know where you're strong and where you're weak in your diet.

Maybe you eat 3 meals a day like you should, but what happens if you eat too much salty food? Keep your notes detailed. Look at them after a week and see where you stand. This is your base for moving forward! Talk to a dietitian for help!

Eat More Potassium


Many, many men with high blood pressure aren't getting the potassium they need. Why's this so important? Because potassium is an electrolyte. It affects a man's metabolism, but it's not just that. It's also so, so essential to reduce the effects of sodium! Men, the more potassium you get, the more salt will leave your body through pee. This means your blood pressure will go down too!

It's because salt keeps blood vessels narrow and makes the body retain more water than it should. Without as much salt, the vessels relax. Blood gets through easier and less fluid stays in the body. Men, eat bananas, spinach, potatoes, mushrooms, and other vegetables. They've all got potassium!

Don't Eat As Much Processed Food


Slices of pepperoni on pizza? So good. Ramen? An incredibly popular staple for college men. But there's a serious danger here. Processed foods have so much salt in them! Even 1 serving of some processed foods has far more salt than anyone should get in a day. Salt is the enemy when it comes to lowering blood pressure.

The solution? Men, you need to avoid eating lots of processed food. Cut it down! Don't eat canned soup all the time. Pizza is a big culprit too. If you can't give up pizza, at least make it yourself. Homemade pizza has less salt than frozen or delivery pizza! Save treats for game days only, and don't overdo it.

Don't Add Salt


Men, at this point, you're doing everything. You've cut down on processed food, are making healthy choices in the produce you eat, and may not eat at restaurants anymore. You may even be taking blood pressure meds! But you could very well be doing something wrong. Adding salt to food on your plate is a mistake. It won't help your blood pressure! Salt is even part of cooking, but it doesn't have to be! With enough spices and herbs, there's no need for salt. None! Everyone knows that! Don't add as much salt to your food, men. Cut it out entirely if you want to lower your blood pressure. Your taste buds will adapt.

Cut Down On Caffeine


A cup of coffee or two is how many, many men get through the day. Caffeine keeps a man's energy up! Without it, so many would be tired all the time. Hold your horses, men. Caffeine isn't good for your blood pressure, especially if it's high already! You'll have to stop drinking lots of coffee to keep your blood pressure in check.

Many believe caffeine stops the arteries from getting wider. Others say caffeine makes the body produce adrenaline. Both of these facts mean your blood pressure gets higher. So then, to lower it, cut down on caffeine. But do so slowly, men, you don't want to get withdrawal!

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