Foods To Avoid That Trigger Asthma

Feeling short of breath or being unable to breathe is a scary, scary feeling for men. It’s not good. Asthma makes breathing very hard for many, many men out there. This is why they search for the best asthma relief, often with an emergency inhaler at the top of their list. Men want supplements for asthma, but above all, a permanent cure for asthma is the goal. While waiting for this score, knowing what foods to avoid for asthma is so, so important.



Shrimp is not good for men with asthma. They are saying it’s a popular food allergy, which means it can trigger asthma symptoms. But that’s not all! Pump your brakes, men, because shrimp also contain sulfites. This is what helps shrimp keep their beautiful color. But even if a food allergy isn’t a worry, sulfites are, because this preservative makes asthma much, much worse. It triggers wheezing, hives, and closes the throat. No one wants to deal with that! Don’t be a fool and eat shrimp when dealing with asthma. It’s not worth the risk, everyone knows that. Everyone does!

Processed Food


Processed food is convenient, there’s no doubt about that. Cured meats and deli slices are great, so great, for sandwiches, and frozen meals are more than perfect for busy days. But processed foods are full of hidden enemies when it comes to asthma and asthma attacks. They contain sulfites, which everyone knows triggers asthma attacks.

Hot dogs and processed meat also has a lot of nitrates, which makes inflamed lungs even worse. Processed foods made without sugar have aspartame, and this increases the risk of asthma attacks. No one wants to make their asthma worse. It’s a horrible and scary thing to go through. Men, you know it’s time to stop eating these foods!



Beans are very rude. Why? They make men produce more gas, and the smell is disgusting. But that’s not even the biggest reason why men with asthma shouldn’t eat beans. The more gas their body makes, the more pressure there is on their stomach. This pressure affects the chest too, and chest tightness is a huge asthma attack trigger. They are saying bloating also causes asthma symptoms to appear. Men who don’t cut out beans need to eat them in small amounts and not every day. This gives them the complete and total power to avoid asthma due to excess gas!



Many men drink a glass of wine with dinner, and even more do it when they’re out with a woman. They are saying drinking a glass with dinner is healthy. It contains antioxidants, as everyone knows! They’re right, wine can be healthy in certain amounts. But it is a huge danger to asthma. Many, many men deal with asthma attacks within just one hour of drinking a glass of wine. Not good! Wine often has sulfites, which we know increases asthma symptoms. But there are so many ingredients in wine. This means there is definitely far more than one trigger. Yes, far more than just one!

Fatty And Fast Food


Everyone, absolutely everyone, knows that fatty and fast food cause inflammation. Many, many men can handle this, but the men with asthma can’t. Asthma means higher inflammation even without the food. Any more inflammation means an attack is on the horizon. Stop this impending march, soldier! Don’t eat lots of fatty and fast food, especially fried things. It’s not good, not good at all!

Eating lots of these foods also triggers weight gain. This makes the lungs work much, much harder, making asthma attacks more common and even worse. Keep these nasty effects away as much as possible men. You have the power, all of the power!

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