The Obvious, Obvious Foods That Trigger Gout Flares

Men, you know this one. Gout’s a kind of arthritis! It’ll cause sudden and severe joint pain and swelling. Sad. Painful. These are gout flares! Most of you get them at night. Men, gout gets to any joint. The most common, though? Your big toes! Others are your knees, elbows, wrists, and ankles. Many, many men see a limited range of motion and lots of lingering discomfort after a flare. Men, gout comes from uric acid building in your blood. This makes urate crystals around your joints! Your body creates uric acid from the purines in your food. That’s why purines give you more symptom flares.

You’re going to need gout pills, men. They’ll give you gout pain relief! Chances are, you’ll see success with colchicine tablets. That said, there are other uric acid medicines! You’ve got to follow a good gout diet too. The best one. Men, it starts with knowing what foods trigger gout flares!



Shellfish’s a huge, huge part of seafood. Men, you know the common ones: shrimp, mussels, oysters, lobster, and crabs! Yes, you’re right. Most of the time, eating shellfish is healthy! That said, it’s not good when you’ve got gout. Men, shellfish have lots of purines! Remember, purines are a huge trigger for gout flares. So huge! You’ll have to avoid all shellfish during a gout flare. If you’re very, very lucky, you’ll be able to eat a little bit when you’re not having a flare. Of course, you’ve got to watch your portion so very, very closely. Men, talk to your doc about what amount’s safe, if any, for you to eat!

Obviously, the cooking method matters when you do eat shellfish. Boiling and steaming are the best, the very best! Boiling is going to reduce your purines by 60%! Steaming does a little bit, but not nearly as much. Freezing only gives you a little less, and only after 10 weeks. Microwaving your shellfish does nothing.

Veal And Venison


Veal and venison are very, very delicious. Men, you know that! The problem? They’re both very high in purines. So high! That’s why they’re not good when you’ve got gout. They’ll cause a flare in no time! Take them out of your diet. Do it for liver and other organ meats too. Men, you’ll have to have white meats instead. The best ones are chicken and turkey! Their purine content is a lot lower. A lot lower. That said, you’ve got to limit yourself to 4 ounces of white meat or less a day when you’ve got gout.

Men, many, many experts say most people eat too much protein. That’s why you’ve got to limit the meat you eat, especially with gout! Many docs say plant-based protein is better for you because of gout. Of course, you’ll want to talk to a nutritionist for some help. They’ve got the power to give you the best gout diet!



Men, you’ve got to be careful with alcohol when you have gout. Yes, it increases your risk or symptom flares! Sad. It’ll also increase your risk of getting gout in the first place! Men, they’re all talking about alcohol being behind over 50% of gout flares. That’s huge, so huge. It’s down to the purines in alcohol. Beer has the most! It’s also got lots of brewer’s yeast. That’s another risk factor for gout flares! Wine has fewer purines. That said, all types of alcohol increase your risk. It’s because your kidney will have to get rid of alcohol instead of purines. The result? Yes, you guessed it: more uric acid in your blood! Men, you’ll see flares in 1 or 2 days.

Yes. Watch how much alcohol you drink! Men, that’s how you’ll keep uric acid low in your blood. A good standard? Two servings in a day when you’re under 65, and one a day when you’re older! Men, you know what one serving is. It’s the same as 12 ounces of beer when it’s 5% alcohol by volume! Hold up, though. This is just a guide. Talk to your doc when you’ve got gout. They’ll give you specific rules to lower your risk of gout flares!

Lentils And Kidney Beans


Lentils and kidney beans are tough ones. So tough. They’ve got more purines than other legumes! That’s why many, many men with gout have to avoid eating them. That said, there’s conflicting information. Men, they’re all talking about how you can eat some lentils and kidney beans when you’ve got gout. It’s because they’re plant-based protein and are much better, so much better, than meat when it comes to handling gout. Yes! Win. Obviously, though, you have to vary your protein sources.

You’ve also got to watch your servings of lentils and kidney beans. They still have purines! Men, a half cup of cooked lentils or kidney beans is your one serving. Most of you, yes, will be able to eat a few servings every week. Just talk to a nutritionist for backup on this!



Men, keep your eye on spinach. It’s another trigger for some gout flares. Yes, you know why. Every 100 g of spinach has 57 mg of purines! That’s one serving, so many, many people say it’s a moderate amount of purines. This is why some people want you to limit how much spinach you eat when you’ve got gout. Hold your horses, though. DOn’t throw out all your spinach just yet! Some say you can eat a bit of spinach without any problems. Win! It’s because spinach’s still much, much better than meat when you’ve got gout.

Obviously, men, you’ve got to watch your portions! A great way, the best way, to start is by replacing some white meat with spinach! Instead of having a little extra chicken, eat a side salad of spinach! Many, many people love spinach in soup too. Both options are healthy. They still keep your spinach portions small too! Men, you’ll find a nutritionist very, very helpful when it comes to eating spinach safely when you’ve got gout.

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