The Very Best Health Benefits Of Chicken

Chicken is so popular, men, so popular. It's very delicious, and you can even customize the taste however you want! Chicken's also got a nice light, flaky texture. Yum. Men, you can have chicken in any meal. It's even good in snacks!

You've got lots of options for eating chicken, men. Lots of options! Try some chicken wings and baked chicken breast. Homemade chicken broth is really good too! You'll get many, many health benefits from chicken. Some say you can build muscle and even use it as part of your weight loss regimen. Of course, men, you've got to understand the details on the health benefits to get the most out of this lean protein.

Build Better Muscles


Men, you know what bodybuilders do! They eat lots and lots of chicken when they're trying to build up their muscle mass. Yes, so much chicken. It's a very popular choice. Why? It's lean meat, so it builds muscle well without packing on fat! Chicken's also an affordable choice. That said, you've got to pick the part you eat carefully. Men, chicken breasts have lots more protein than other parts, like chicken thighs! You'll want to take off the skin too. That makes your chicken leaner and healthier! You build muscle a lot easier, yes, a lot easier, when you're getting more protein than fat.

Obviously, how you cook your chicken matters for building muscle too. Baking, broiling, and grilling without butter are the best for minimizing fat in your chicken. Try coconut oil instead! You need to get lots of omega-3s and omega-6s from your chicken and how you cook it. You want the omega-3s after working out to stop sore muscles and lower swelling. The omega-3s will also get you stronger, stronger muscle tissue.

Boosts Heart Health


Men, you want to avoid heart issues. Sadly, heart conditions, like heart disease, are leading causes of death in America! That's why you've got to stick to a heart-healthy diet. You know what's coming: chicken. Chicken's so good, so, so good, for boosting your heart health. The lean cuts are the best ones! It's because they lower the bad cholesterol in your body. Win. This means a lower risk of heart disease and other issues. If you cook it right, chicken's the healthiest meat out there! Go for broiling, baking, and grilling. Avoid frying chicken, since this is what triggers an increase in your bad cholesterol. Yes, the kind that clogs up your arteries!

Men, the bad part about frying often comes down to the oil. Many, many oils make your cholesterol go way up. They also have a lot more calories and trans fat. Yes, trans fat: the unhealthiest kind out there. It makes your bad cholesterol higher, and your good cholesterol lower. Remember the part of your chicken too: chicken breast is best when you're trying to lower your bad cholesterol. Next comes the thighs, wings, and legs!

Improves Weight Loss


Men, you've got to pay attention to your diet when you're trying to lose weight. You know you do! It's because you have to burn more calories than what you're eating. Exercise takes care of burning them off. But your diet? That's where your intake comes in. Chicken is so great, so great, for a weight loss diet. The lean cuts fill you up without making your calories go up a lot. Even a 3oz chicken breast only has about 102 calories! Removing chicken skin helps a lot too.

Men, eating skinless chicken lets you maintain the best caloric intake for weight loss: 1,200 to 1,600 calories daily. Yes! It won't take up too much of that intake, and you'll still get lots of protein. You'll meet your other nutritional requirements too! Men, protein's going to give you lots of energy for exercise. It lets you burn more and more calories. The result? Lean body mass rather than fat!

Reduces Stress


Men, lots of stress isn't good for you. You know that, you all do! Lots of stress means your risk of serious health issues goes up. Two examples? Depression and obesity! Thankfully, you can do lots to reduce your stress, including eating chicken. One reason chicken works for this, men, is that it's got tryptophan in it. It's an amino acid that boosts your mood. It does this because your body turns it into serotonin. Win.

Obviously, serotonin's a vital, vital neurotransmitter. It's what improves your well-being and keeps you happy! It also means you get improvements in insomnia linked to stress. Protein in chicken helps lower your stress too. How? You know! It controls the sugar released into your bloodstream. Men, you need chicken in your diet to get lower stress levels.

Benefits Bone Health


You've heard about osteoporosis before. It's a common bone condition, particularly as you age! When you have it, your body isn't making as much bone as before, or you're losing bone mass. Both result in the same thing, men: weaker bones that are at a higher, much higher, risk of fractures. The good news? Chicken helps prevent this condition. Yes, it does! The protein in your chicken is what's going to benefit your bone health. It increases your muscle mass. You already know this. But, men, it also strengthens your bones at the same time! You'll also want to see more vitamin D, which is going to help with your calcium absorption. Along with protein, calcium helps improve your bone density. This prevents osteoporosis!

You need bone-in chicken to make your bone health better, men. This is the type that gives you more collagen. Yes, the glue that holds your bones together! Want more from your chicken? Make some bone broth. It's really good, really, really good for your bones. The best! Use roasted chicken bones and simmer them in water, apple cider vinegar, and a bit of seasoning on low. Yum.

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