Whole30 Diet Master Plan: Avoid These Foods

Men, you're going to eat fresh! Your body will be amazing after the Whole30 diet. This diet appeared in 2009 and is designed around eating unprocessed foods. It lasts for 30 days, so men? It's a piece of cake! You've got this in the bag. Your metabolism is going to soar, and your digestion will be the best it's ever been. Everyone knows how good things'll be! There's no counting calories and wasting time on this diet. It's all about the results!

Use a combination Whole30 keto meal plan to build muscles like no one's business. Whole30 frozen foods are perfect for the Superbowl. Don't want to spend a lot of money? Men, you don't have to! A cheap Whole30 meal plan will make things so simple. So simple! Get ready to see the best body of your life with this diet. Embrace this amazing natural remedy for food allergies and eat the right foods!

Dairy Products


Men, it's time to avoid dairy. Everyone knows it! Everyone! It inflames your body and causes bloating. This isn't good! Not good at all. Dairy products can even cause fatigue and sinus issues if you're sensitive to it. If you've got acne, avoiding dairy is going to help. It will! Every man, every single one, has to stop drinking all types of dairy milk. Cow's milk? No good! Sheep's milk and Goat's milk aren't good either. Men, you've got to throw out kefir, yogurt, sour cream, and cheese too!

But once you've gotten rid of dairy, man, you've got to have a plan! Many, many men need products fortified with calcium. All men need strong bones! Calcium supplements are very common, very common, for men on the Whole30 diet. But yes, talking to a doctor for the right dose is necessary!



Wave goodbye to legumes! Men, they're not allowed on the Whole30 diet! They'll inflame your whole body and cause allergic reactions. You may even end up with leaky gut syndrome by eating them! Take out any peanuts, beans, tofu, soy protein, and miso in your pantry and fridge. Everyone knows they've got to go! Everyone! But there's more to why avoiding legumes on the Whole30 diet is so important. Some of them can make your body create more estrogen! No man wants that! Not one. They can also cause problems with weight loss since legumes have lots of carbs in them. This is so, so important for many, many men! Embrace cooking at home for this, men. Your ladies are going to love you even more!



Everyone knows grains are no good on the Whole30 diet. Men, throw out any corn, rice, rye, barley, oats, wheat, and quinoa you've got. All of it! Yes, all of it. Don't be fooled by tricky foods, either. They're going to have grain-based additives in them, like cornstarch. These foods are crooked! But they can't outsmart you, men. They can't! When you win, men, watch your energy soar! You won't be bloated or irritated either.

Many, many men will lose weight when they follow the Whole30 diet. Grains are a big part of processed foods, so these are all gone! They're also huge, huge carbs. But not when the Whole30 diet is in town! Eat a delicious baked potato instead of rice. They're great with the right seasoning!

MSG and Sulfites


Throw out the fake food, men. Throw it out! MSG and sulfites are in many, many foods. These food additives trigger allergies. Men, if you eat them, you're going to see hives, dizziness, headaches, diarrhea, and vomiting. These reactions are not attractive, not attractive at all. Eating lots of MSG means, men, that you're going to deal with inflammation. You'll be at a higher risk of diabetes and obesity too. The link is clear, everyone knows about it! Sulfites make food fake. They keep it fresher for longer and boost the color, but its not the natural process for many, many foods. The Whole30 diet helps! It's simple, men. It's so, so simple. All you've got to do is read the labels on any food before you buy it. The ingredient list won't lie, and you'll spot MSG and sulfites with your perfect, perfect vision.

Added Sugar


Hold your horses. Hold them! Don't let added sugar make you fat! The Whole30 diet takes it out, and this is amazing, so amazing. Added sugar has proven links with heart disease, premature aging, obesity, and cancer. Men, don't let sugar get you down! Keep your heart rate and blood pressure low by avoiding added sugar. You'll control your triglycerides and insulin too! Everyone knows it. Everyone does! Your mood will stay steady so you can win any challenge.

Avoid alternatives to sugar too. This means not eating food with stevia, honey, maple syrup, or even agave! Only eat things sweetened with pure fruit juice. Fresh fruit has the only sugar men can have on the Whole30 diet. The good news? The very best news? Fruit is delicious! It's beautiful!

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