Everything You Know About EGCG

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a great, great thing. It's a catechin, an antioxidant, with so many great health benefits. Yes, men, it's huge. It's the antioxidant that green tea has the most of. Win! Many, many people are saying EGCG treats and prevents lots of health problems. Hold your horses, though. Too much of it triggers side effects!

Men, you know EGCG's one of the best, best green tea catechins. It's a huge reason people drink green tea to lose weight! Yes, it's one of the best natural remedies for weight loss. Of course, you've got the option of taking green tea capsules with EGCG instead. In the end, though, you know what you've got to do first. Men, you've got to understand how EGCG works!

Sources Of EGCG


Men, you're going to find EGCG everywhere! Yes, you will. It's a huge, huge win. Natural sources of it are nuts, fruits, veggies, and teas! Yes! Men, a great source is carob flour. Heard of that? It's a cocoa alternative made from carob tree pods. It's amazing, so amazing. It's one of the best natural sources of EGCG! Men, you'll get lots of EGCG in green tea. That's the best tea source, obviously. White tea's the next best thing, followed by oolong and black teas.

Fruits and veggies don't have as much EGCG. That said, they still work! You'll get the most from Fuji apples, cranberries, raspberries, and plums. Avocados, onions, and peaches have some, but they're not reliable. No. And yes, you get some EGCG in nuts too, like pecans and hazelnuts! Obviously, lots of different supplements are made with EGCG. Men, there's no lack of sources! You've got the power to choose.

How It Works


You've heard of free radicals. Men, they're a huge, huge source of cell damage. They trigger oxidization! That said, you've got so much power here, so much power. You need antioxidants, just like EGCG. EGCG's going to help you with apoptosis. That's where your immune system finds and gets rid of damaged cells! It stops oxidization in its tracks.

Men, EGCG's going to do a lot more for you, a whole lot more. It tackles inflammation by stopping the proinflammatory cytokines in your body. These are proteins that impact your immune system, but you knew that. What a win! Say goodbye to inflammation.

Best Uses


Men, so many clinical trials are looking at EGCG. They say it's going to be a strong, strong treatment for so many medical conditions! It's great as a natural antioxidant. You know that. It's also got some antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. The huge, huge benefit, though, is weight loss. Yes! Men, studies show that you'll see so much weight loss when you're obese and drink green tea every day. Win. You've got to get up to 460 mg of EGCG daily from this, obviously.

There's more, though. Many, many of you get to see less oxidative stress when you consume EGCG. Yes! That's why they're saying it helps with cancer, premature aging, and fatty liver disease. Men, there are even studies looking at treatments that combine chemo with EGCG! Some studies even look at EGCG stopping brain damage from conditions like Alzheimer's. That's a huge win.

Side Effects And Risks


You know the benefits. EGCG's so good, so good, when it's from a natural source. Everyone knows it! But hold your horses, men. the processed sources of EGCG, like supplements and green tea powder, carry risks. They do! They've got side effects. Men, they're all saying that high amounts of processed EGCG trigger oxidative stress. That's the opposite of what you want! It'll result in systemic inflammation and a high, high risk of many diseases. Sad.

You've also got to know that EGCG carries a risk of liver damage. Yes, even the destruction of the lining that protects so many of your organs! Men, when you've got diabetes, you have to be careful too. Studies say treated mice had a higher mortality rate thanks to kidney damage. The good news? You've got to eat a lot, a lot, for this to happen.

Dosage Instructions


Men, listen up. You know the best dose of EGCG depends on how you're getting it! You're safe, so safe, to drink green tea. Aim for 90 to 300 mg daily when you're getting EGCG this way. Sadly, the supplements and processed forms are a bit different. Most of the time, you've got to avoid those unless your doctor says otherwise! It's because you'll often get 1000 mg of EGCG or more daily. This is dangerous, so dangerous. Everyone knows that, everyone!

People don't agree on how much EGCG will start causing issues. Some say it's dangerous after 800 mg in a day. That claim says it's when organ damage starts! But men, other sources say side effects start getting bad when you've had 338 mg of EGCG in solid form. Be careful, and stick to the safe sources!

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