Everything You Know About Azelaic Acid

Azelaic acid's a great med. It is! Men, it's the best prescription, the very best. It's out there as a gel, foam, and cream. You've got the ability to choose! That said, your doc will recommend one too. Most of you are going to use this one twice every day. Yes, every day! You'll see some huge, huge benefits in 1 to 3 months. Talk to your doc if you don't!

Men, you'll want this prescription acne treatment. It's even great as an acne scar treatment! Obviously, you've got the power here. Azelaic acid isn't your only option! There are lots of antibiotics for acne, even home remedies for acne! And if you've got rosacea? Yes, this med's a rosacea treatment too! Learn all about this med and how it works first.

How It Works


Azelaic acid's a huge med. It's a dicarboxylic acid. Men, you know what happens here. This med's going to mean your body makes less keratin. They say keratin actually means bacteria growth. What's more, but it grows the bacteria responsible for acne. No one likes that. No one. Not a single person! Azelaic acid works in more ways too, men. You know that. It'll stop hyperactive protease action. That's what makes cathelicidin turn into LL-37. The result? Yes, you guessed it! Men, it's going to stop lots of swelling from rosacea. Huge win. Huge! This med's also a tyrosinase inhibitor. So yes, it's going to mean less dark spots like hyperpigmentation. It means less melanin synthesis, men. That's how it works so well!

Best Uses


Azelaic acid's so great, men. So, so great! It's going to tackle your acne. Yes, it will! It's going to make it look like you never had any acne in the first place! This one's going to take away the inflammation. You know what that means! Men, you're going to see less irritation and redness. You're not going to see your acne nearly as much. No, not nearly as much! It'll get rid of the nasty, nasty bacteria that cause your acne also. Win! And those acne scars? A memory! Men, azelaic acid makes your skin cells turn over a lot faster. Yes, a lot faster! That means they're healing faster too.

And men, that's not all! This med's great for handling rosacea, so you're not going to have as much swelling or redness. You also won't see your blood vessels as much. Watch it work on melasma and hyperpigmentation too. Men, your skin's going to look the best it's ever been. The very best!

Side Effects


Don't let your guard down. Azelaic acid's got a few side effects! Men, men, watch for them. They'll happen in your skin. Many, many of you are going to see things like dry, red, or itchy skin! Tingling or burning sensations happen too. The good news? Many of these go away when you're used to using this med! Win. Obviously, though, you've still got to keep your doctor informed. The less common side effects? Flaking, blisters, swelling, and lots of redness. Soreness is another one! But men, when your skin lightens where you put this med? Call your doc! That often means you've got to stop using it. Rare effects also mean chest tightness, painful joints, fever, eye swelling, hoarse voice, and a fast heart rate. Go to see your doc right away about these!

Yes, allergies to this med exist. Men, watch for breathing problems, hives, and lots of swelling. That swelling? You'll know it's an allergy when it's around your lips, tongue, and face. You're going to need emergency help when you're allergic to azelaic acid. You'll have to stop using it right away too!



Azelaic acid isn't right for everyone. Men, you know it's not safe sometimes! It'll make asthma worse, so even if your doc prescribes it? Yes, you know you'll need a lot more monitoring. A lot more! Men, you've got to avoid using products with alcohol in them. Really, you know you've got to stop using products that'll trigger irritation or dry skin. These are just going to make the side effects of this med worse! You don't want that; no one does. Obviously, men, you're going to want to avoid chemical peels and other abrasive things when you're using the gel or foam version of this med.

And that foam? Keep it away, so far away, from open flames, heat, and smoke. You're not going to want to use it near anything like this, men. You know it's flammable! Don't wrap your skin where you apply it either, men. Wait for your doc to tell you that! And yes, some of you are going to need to stay away from alcohol, hot drinks, and spicy things on this med. Sad.

Medication Interactions


Here's some great news, men. The best news! There aren't any serious med interactions with azelaic acid. What a win. A huge win! Hold up, though. Men, this one does have some mild interactions. So yes, men, you've got to list your meds, supplements, and any skin products you use! This'll help your doc design the best routine for you and avoid interactions. Think about it. Isotretinoin causes things like dry, red, and peeling skin. Azelaic acid does too! Using them together means you're going to see these get a lot worse. Yes, you guessed it. This interaction means you can't use them together!

And men, get ready to take less of some meds and supplements. Your doc will even ask you to avoid some things completely when you're using azelaic acid. They're going to keep you healthy. The healthiest!

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