Everything You Know About Benzocaine

Benzocaine's the best. Men, you want this topical numbing med on your side. It's going to numb your nerves and stop pain signals from getting to your brain. Yes, this makes the pain from a scrape go away. You won't feel any discomfort! It's so common. Many, many men use it. It's found under so many brand names, so you've got your pick!

You want this med as a pain relief treatment. It gets rid of sore throat pain in an instant! It'll even be found as a treatment for ingrown toenails and irritated skin. Yes, it's a hemorrhoid treatment too! Docs make sure your comfortable during many, many procedures with this med. So you know what to do. Men, make sure you ask about this med. You want a refresher before? Of course! Review it as a treatment for minor pain now!

How It Works


Men, this one's a great numbing med! Benzocaine's a common ointment, gel, cream, and even a spray. Yes, a spray! Men, get this med on your skin or soft tissue where it hurts. It'll work its magic in no time. The result? Numb nerve endings. This is why they can't send pain signals to your brain! And if you can't get those pain signals? Men, your pain is gone! This med is an option for so many mild conditions. So many that don't stand a chance against it! Doctors even use it during medical procedures to keep you feeling comfy. It's even an active part of so many products. Sprays? They're for a sore throat. It's even in meds for swimmer's ear and ear wax!

The Best Uses


Many, many men need this med. It's great, so great, for treating irritated skin and minor pain! Have a minor scrape? Not a problem for benzocaine! What about an insect bite? This med's going to take care of it! It'll even make itching and pain because of hemorrhoids go away. And of course you remember that the spray will get rid of your sore throat! It'll even make some genital itching disappear. But make sure you ask your doc about that one, men. You want to know you're doing it right! And if you need a medical procedure? This med will numb what needs to be numbed. No doubt about that! Use to help another med for a bigger injury. It's a med you use as needed, and that's huge. Huge!

Obvious Side Effects


Men. You know this med's got some side effects, right? Of course you do; they're obvious side effects. Let's recap. The most common ones are itching, burning, and stinging where you applied this med. You'll see dry and flaky skin patches too. Redness and tenderness? They're 2 more side effects of benzocaine! If these occur, men? Many, many men see them in a few minutes to 2 hours after applying the med. Men, make sure you don't use too much. The side effects appear then too!

Methemoglobinemia is a huge, huge side effect. The good news? It's rare! Men, this condition triggers fatal oxygen starvation. You'll likely see it after multiple applications. But some men? They see it after just one! You'll have to head to emerg for lightheadedness, a fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, lethargy, and confusion. Men? Head over for severe burning, swelling, and blistering too! Stop this med for these effects and call your doc now.



Men, get in touch with your doc. Talk about your medical history! They've got to know if you have had reactions to it or something similar before. Your doc needs to make sure it won't happen again! Medical issues might take this weapon out of your arsenal too. Heart disease, blood problems, and part breathing issues all matter if you might need this med. Any past infections in the body part you've got to apply this med to? Tell your doc about them too! Going for surgery? Anything where they're going to give you benzocaine? Give your team a list of all the meds and supplements you take. They'll protect you from interactions!

Medication Interactions


What meds do you take? Supplements? Vitamins? Men, write them down. This is important, so important! The list of meds is your best fighter in the ring against medication interactions. Your doc will check all of them before prescribing benzocaine. The good news? Benzocaine has very few medication interactions. Very few! But they do exist. Men, don't take prilocaine with this one. They're in the same class of meds, so you know what's coming. An increased chance of fatal oxygen starvation! You'll also be facing this with sodium nitrite. That one's tough, since it's a type of salt. That means it'll appear in your food as a preservative and antioxidant!

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