Everything You Know About Dulozetine (Cymbalta)

Men, you know about duloxetine. It's often under the brand Cymbalta! It's a huge, huge SSNRI, so it'll keep your brain chemicals balanced. Serotonin and norepinephrine, to be exact! But you guessed it, it has some side effects! Your doc's going to keep a sharp eye on you for this one. They'll make sure it works the way it should!

This one's a fantastic med for anxiety treatment, men. So amazing! It'll also be a good treatment for depression, there's no doubt about that. And yes, it's even a medication for fibromyalgia! This makes it so powerful for many types of pain. It's a joint pain treatment, and even a great remedy for diabetic nerve pain! Remind yourself about this med, men, and get your show back on the road!

How It Works


Men, this one's going to change how two chemicals work in your brain! Yes, it's going to work on serotonin and norepinephrine. Many, many men find that it keeps these chemicals balanced! Men, you need to keep the balance. You know that! Serotonin's going to work wonders for you. It'll keep your emotions in check, and you'll perceive pain much better. So much better! Men, it'll even make your digestion work better.

You know the other one works very much the same, men. Norepinephrine does! Yes, it's going to keep your emotions and pain in check. Men, it'll do the same with your mood and thoughts too! And get ready, men. This one also works for you on your 'fight-or-flight' response! Men, you see this more if you've got depression or anxiety. Yes, even when there's no danger! You need to take your control back, men. This med's a huge, huge help here!

The Best Uses


Men, you need this fighter in your corner. Duloxetine's so powerful, it'll fight for you. It works on many mental and physical issues. So many! You're going to see so much success with this med on depression. Yes, anxiety disorders too! Neither stands a chance against this med. But hold your horses, men, that's not all! This med's also approved for fibromyalgia. That's a tough condition. So tough! This med's powerful against it, though, so talk to your doc about it. Talk! Men, you'll often use this med for many, many chronic pain problems. Yes, even back pain, joint pain, and diabetic nerve pain!

Side Effects


Men, keep your guard up! Keep it up! Don't let it down. This med's got some mild side effects, like fatigue and feeling dizzy. You'll get insomnia at night. Men, you know that's what makes you sleepy during the day! Don't drive until you adjust. Don't drive at all! Nausea, diarrhea, and constipation are huge, huge side effects on this one too. They feel like you've got the flu! Your appetite's going to get bigger, so much bigger, but you'll have low sodium. Men, you'll have problems staying hydrated because of it. You need more water. More water!

You're going to sweat more on this med, men. So much more! Ad for those of you who've got diabetes? Get ready, because irregular blood sugar control is another side effect! Men, some of you get skin reactions and organ damage on this medication too. Watch for that, keep your guard up! A rare one you know about is serotonin syndrome. Don't let this one get out of hand! Men, your eyes are are sharp. They'll spot agitation and hallucinations, 2 of the symptoms, for sure. Guaranteed, right? Obviously! Of course, you know you need emerg if you spot them. It's an emergency!



Hold your horses for a second, men. Hold up! You've got to take some precautions before taking this med. You have to! Some of you will get suicidal thoughts from it. Don't let your guard down on this one, men, watch for the signs and get help! Your doc's going to help you out here too. They're your backup! They'll ask about your mood when you're taking this med. Your doc will have eagle eyes, especially for the first 4 months!

But men, that's not all. Your doctor's going to screen you for bipolar disorder before giving you this med. You need to know! This med will trigger manic episodes if you've got this condition. Rapid-cycling episodes too! Keep yourself in check and make sure you get the screening first. And men? You already know you've got to avoid cigarettes and alcohol on this med. They're not good pairs!

Medication Interactions


Duloxetine's got many, many medication interactions. But of course, men, you're going to have a list of your meds ready for your doctor! Your doc needs the list to stop these interactions before they start. You'll need to have vitamins and supplements on this list too. Obviously, you knew that! So what do you need to watch for, men? You can't take this med with MAOIs. It's not safe! You'll have to stop taking MAOIs before this one. Your doc's going to ask you to wait 14 days after stopping your MAOIs. At least 14 days!

You can't take other meds for depression either, men. Many of them, so many of them, impact your serotonin. You can't risk the syndrome that comes with that! Men, you'll also need to get something else from your doc if you take diuretics, heart meds, anti-inflammatories, and migraine meds. ADHD meds interact with duloxetine too, men! And herbal remedies? You'll have to avoid many of them. Yes, many of them, St. John's Wort included! Get all the details from your doc, and they'll give you the best medication plan. The very best one!

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