Everything You Know About Pantothenic Acid

Men, you know about pantothenic acid. It’s vitamin B5! It’s a huge, huge vitamin for making red blood cells and stress hormones. You’ll find it in lots and lots of food. Yes. You’ll find it in things like whole-grain cereal, broccoli, cabbage, and potatoes! Men, you need to get 5 mg of vitamin B5 every day when you’re over 14 years old. The good news? It’s very, very rare to be deficient in this vitamin in the US. It usually only happens when you’re malnourished!

That said, a huge treatment for a deficiency is to take vitamin B5 supplements! You’ll get OTC supplements a lot, but they’re also available with a prescription. Men, you’ll want pantothenic acid supplements for acne too. Yes! Many, many people say they’re great supplements for adrenal gland health too. They will even give you arthritis pain relief! Obviously, you’ve got to understand how they work so you’re sure to buy the best vitamin B5 supplements for you!

How It Works


Men, pantothenic acid’s water-soluble. Win! It’s so, so important in coenzyme A synthesis. So important. Men, you need this in your body’s citric acid cycle. It’ll help you break down carbs, fats, and other nutrients. Yes, it’ll break them down into energy you can use!

You know what’s in vitamin B5 supplements, men. Yes: pantothenol! Your body turns this into pantothenic acid. That’s what you use! You’ll see lots of these supplements have calcium pantothenate. That’s the salt that protects the supplement from deterioration from heat or acid. The supplement’s going to stay potent this way! What a huge, huge win.

Best Uses


Men, it’s worth repeating! Vitamin B5’s going to help you break down fats, carbs, and protein into energy. Yes. It’s also very, very essential for your skin, eye, and hair health. It is! This vitamin’s going to support your liver and nervous system too. It really is a great one. You need it for hormones and red blood cells! When you don’t get enough vitamin B5, you’ve got to take supplements! It’ll help you get rid of symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and feeling irritable. Win.

Vitamin B5 supplements do so much more. So much more! Men, they’re great at tackling issues like low blood pressure, allergies, and leg cramps to the ground. Many, many people say they treat pink eye, dermatitis, and acne too! Other uses? Yes, to handle obesity and wound healing! But men, hold your horses. Some say they’re not proven effective at treating any of this. That’s why you’ve got to ask your doc about proven treatments first!

Side Effects


You knew this was coming. Yes, men, pantothenic acid supplements have side effects! The most common? An upset stomach, obviously. So obvious. Other common, common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, sore throat, constipation, and pain in your abdomen. Don’t be surprised about UTIs, muscle pain, joint pain, new-onset diabetes, or a lack of energy either. Yes, those are side effects too! Everyone knows them.

Men, you know your blood test results often change when you take these supplements. Yes, expect things like increased ALT and CPK! Sometimes you’ll see pancreatitis and flu-like symptoms on this supplement. There are rare side effects too, like muscle disease, jaundice, and muscle wasting. Men, tell your doc about the rare ones right away. Do it for common ones that don’t disappear too! You’ve got to get urgent help when you deal with severe diarrhea and vomiting because of these supplements too.



Men, you’ve got to talk to your doc before taking these supplements! Go over your health history. They need to know about the meds you take too. Men, your doc is going to figure out when vitamin B5 supplements are safe. They’ll make sure your dose is right also! Men, allergies cause issues with these supplements. You’ve got to be careful when you take them and you’ve got food allergies or have reacted to other meds. Tell your doc when this applies to you before you take anything!

You need regular blood tests when you take pantothenic acid supplements too. Yes, you know you do, men! The tests are going to tell you when to stop taking these supplements! That said, you’ve got to consult your doc before doing this too. You’ll also want to talk to them before changing your dose! Men, get some food and water when you’re taking each dose of this supplement. They’re going to make an upset stomach so much less likely. Win.

Med Interactions


Good news! These supplements don’t have severe med interactions. What a huge, huge win. Hold your horses, though, men. They’ve got some moderate interactions! Expect vitamin B5 supplements to interact with some antibiotics. This includes clarithromycin, azithromycin, and erythromycin! You’ll see over 60 mild med interactions with these supplements too.

Men, this is why you’ve got to give your doc a list of your current meds. As wells, this has got to have prescriptions, OTC drugs, and supplements on it. They’ll have your back and check for med interactions with vitamin B5 supplements. Your pharmacist needs to check this too when you buy OTC supplements! Men, you want this. It’ll mean fewer side effects!

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