Causes And Symptoms Of Hyperthyroidism In Men

Many, many men out there are dealing with hyperthyroidism. This is when the thyroid gland is making too much of the hormones it normally does. This isn't good! It's also why hyperthyroidism treatment involves thyroid meds to block some of the hormones. These help keep the thyroid in check as much as possible! Radioactive iodine, thyroid removal surgery, beta-blocker meds, and lifestyle changes are also very, very common. Of course, how is it spotted? Why does it happen? It's time to get smart!

Appetite Changes


Men with hyperthyroidism see big, big changes in their appetite. Most of them eat more and more food, but yes, appetite loss occurs too! Changes in the type of food men want to eat when they've got hyperthyroidism also happens.

This is why, men, if you think something's off about your eating habits, start writing stuff down! Find out what food you eat each day, what food you're craving, when you're eating, and how you feel after eating. This helps reveal any changes and causes for concern. You have the power to reveal this symptom! Because of the appetite changes, men, be on the lookout for weight changes too!

Mood Swings


Problems with hormones cause huge, huge mood swings. Yes, this happens to many men! This is certainly the case when they have hyperthyroidism. Aside from hug mood swings, men see increases in nervousness, irritability, and even hyperactivity. Some men suffer from panic attacks because of hyperthyroidism too. Not fun at all!

Men often go on medication to handle these hyperthyroidism mood changes. But men, hold your horses! These meds can also cause side effects that mimic the signs of hyperthyroidism. This is especially true with mood issues. Meds for hyperthyroidism help, but the possible side effects are why men need to stay in close contact with a doctor.

Problems With The Heart


Yes, the thyroid producing too much of these hormones affects the heart in huge ways. Men will deal with an irregular heartbeat or a very, very fast heart rate. It's not a fun symptom to have! Men, it's important to also know thyroid meds can also trigger an irregular heartbeat. It's one of the serious side effects of these meds. This is why many, many doctors will also talk about beta-blockers, since these help slow the heart rate to a manageable level. This takes the pressure off the heart. It's working too hard and men, you know this is dangerous. Very dangerous.

Digestive Issues


An overactive thyroid causes many, many digestive issues. Why? Everyone knows the hormones the thyroid produces impact metabolism and digestion. These hormones help the body handle nutrients, men! So what happens when there's an excessive amount of these hormones? Men will deal with diarrhea and will need to visit the bathroom very often. Much more than before! Because they'll be going to the bathroom more often, men may also experience pain in their stomach.

Men, it's also essential to know hyperthyroidism puts you at a much, much higher risk of food sensitivities. Specifically, you are 5 times more likely to develop Celiac disease than someone else. This means your body can't process gluten!

Sleep Difficulties


Men, you know you're going to feel exhausted when you've got hyperthyroidism. Everyone knows about fatigue! It's much more than just feeling tired. Men, you'll see a lack of energy and feel very, very run down. But why does this happen? An overactive thyroid causes many issues with sleep. Men will wake up during the night and feel very restless. Restless leg syndrome often turns up and keeps men awake at night too.

But it'll also be hard for you, men, to fall asleep in the first place! Night sweats are very, very common in men with hyperthyroidism. And when you sweat during the night? You're going to wake up and feel uncomfortable!

Increased Sweating


Men, when your thyroid is overactive, your metabolism is going to increase. There are more hormones, and they need to be used! But what does this have to do with sweating and heat? The faster your metabolism is, men, the hotter your body temperature is going to be. It's also going to be very, very hard to control now. This means you'll see excessive sweating, skin flushing, and even heat intolerance!

Yes, men, you'll find it harder to adjust to the heat. It's part of why you'll sweat more and more. Your body temperature is already going to be hotter, making more sweat, and having problems adjusting to heat just makes this even worse.



Men, if your thyroid is overactive, your body is going to speed up. This is clear now, everyone knows it! In many, many cases, you're not going to be able to hold your horses. Your body will start to tremble because of hyperthyroidism. It begins in your hands, and they'll shake a bit. The shaking can get more intense, depending on the nerves and how much more thyroid hormones have been produced.

So pay attention, men! Don't just brush this aside! Tremors will get worse for men who are also dealing with type 1 diabetes, kidney problems, or are over 60 years old.

Shortness Of Breath


Everyone already knows it. Hyperthyroidism makes a man's metabolism increase! But this triggers many symptoms, and the next one in the lineup? Shortness of breath. The lungs don't react well to a faster metabolism because of hyperthyroidism. The lungs will work harder, but their function will be worse. The respiratory muscles will get weaker. Men can also develop a goiter in their thyroid, which means swelling in the neck!

All of these things put pressure on a man's breathing, and because of that, they'll run out of breath faster. Men, you may be short of breath when doing even the simplest things. You may not even be able to walk up some stairs without shortness of breath!

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