Common Allergy Types And Triggers

So many, so many men have allergies. They’re everywhere! No one wants to deal with a stuffy or runny nose, watery eyes, or itching. No one! This is why many rely on brand or generic allergy meds. Of course, non-drowsy allergy relief is ideal for the day. Drowsy allergy medication helps men sleep at night! Men, it’s possible to say goodbye to your allergies with a little help, including the strongest OTC antihistamine. But first, you’re going to have to know what you’re allergic to!



Everyone talks about food allergies. Why? They’re one of the most common types out there! Food allergies are most often seen in kids, but men, adults can have them too! Be on the lookout for allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, wheat, milk, eggs, and soy. Many, many men need to be prepared to see airway swelling, hives, and stomach problems.

The only way to avoid these reactions? Don’t eat the food that triggers it! Men with a food allergy can carry emergency medication with them, but this only buys them time. They will still need to go to the hospital!



Mold is normal. It’s part of the environment, and for many, many men, it’s not harmful. But you can be allergic to it! Men with a mold allergy will see signs like coughing, wheezing, and a tight feeling in the chest. In other words, it’s not fun! Mold makes spores. Spores in the air are the problem here. This is even worse in the home, since there tends to be more of them in a smaller space. Mold loves smaller spaces, humid temperatures, and moisture. Water leaks? Yes, mold can grow here! Men, you have to, you absolutely have to, get rid of mold to avoid this allergy.

Animal Dander And Fur


Men, you might be allergic to cats or dogs. Well, not really, right? That’s just what everyone is saying! It’s not the animal, it’s their fur or dander! A dog’s saliva can also cause a reaction! These parts contain proteins that make someone’s immune system react badly.

Pets that shed less cause fewer reactions, but they can still happen! So no dog or cat is truly hypoallergenic. Some are just better than others! Many, many men who have an allergy to pet dander or fur see itchy eyes, coughing, red eyes, wheezing, and rashes. It’s not pleasant! Everyone knows it.



The spring is allergy season for huge numbers of men. What happens? It’s full of sneezing, congestion, and watery eyes. Men will also have a scratchy throat, sinus pain, itchy eyes, and coughing. Why does this happen? Why is it allergy season for so, so many? It’s all down to pollen. Plants make pollen, and bees transport it around the outdoors. Wind can float pollen into the air too! Pollen is much, much more common in the spring. This is why allergies to pollen are much stronger then! But, men, you can’t forget: pollen allergies do exist year-round. Since pollen is everywhere, there’s only 1 option for you, men. Allergy meds!

Dust And Dust Mites


Oh no, dust! Yes, dust can trigger serious allergies, men! When dust is in the air, it gets into the nose and irritates it. Men, it’s only a matter of time before you start sneezing! But there’s more to it here. Dust mites are major, major culprits behind allergies to dust. It’s because they shed certain parts of them that contaminate the dust.

If a man is allergic, they’ll breathe this dust in. They’ll sneeze, their nose will run, and might deal with very watery eyes too! But severe dust mite allergies can be even worse, with sinus pressure, an itchy nose or mouth, and postnasal drip. No fun, no fun at all! Men, you’ll have to constantly wash your bedding and clean your home. Air filters are big here too!

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