Early Signs Of Arthritis

Arthritis is a nasty condition, everyone knows it. It harms the joints, attacks cartilage, and causes pain. This is why many, many men look for pain medication and anti-inflammatory supplements for joints. They want pain relief for arthritic hands! This is needed so every man can do the work he has to do. Some men want herbal remedies for osteoarthritis, such as collagen supplements. The goal of this game is clear: keep the joints strong and get rid of the pain.

Joint Pain


Men often get injured, it’s a fact of life! Contact sports are a major reason for this. Injuries will cause pain in the joints. However, constant joint pain is a serious early sign of arthritis. This happens because tissue between the joints starts to break down, taking away the protection. The joints are weaker!

Joint pain due to arthritis usually begins in the fingers, wrists, and even the ankles. The smaller joints are the weaker ones! It will start out as mild pain, but will get worse over time. This pain can occur at any time. Men, you know when something is wrong. Keep the power in your hands and stop the pain before it worsens.

Stiff Joints


Many, many men with arthritis will start off with stiffness in their joints. This is more than just sleeping in the wrong position and feeling stiff the next morning. It means joint stiffness after sitting for long periods, problems holding a grip, and issues moving sometimes, along with others.

No one wants to deal with stiff joints! It means performing regular activities will take longer and be very tough. Some tasks will even be impossible to do over time! This is why men need to take action as soon as possible. They need to keep their joints loose and mobile. Early treatment for arthritis keeps up independence. Men, you know this is important!



Along with the stiffness and pain in the joints, men will deal with joint swelling. It completes the trifecta of major arthritis symptoms! Men will see swelling the most often, yes the most often, in their knees and fingers. But hold you horses men, your hips and other joints can be affected too! Joint swelling can last from just a few days all the way up to a month. This is not good, not good at all. Men need to be on the lookout for joints that are warm to the touch. It’s an early sign of swelling! Keeping the swelling under control is essential. Don’t let this fall through the cracks!

Muscle Weakness


Many, many of the early signs of arthritis pile up and trigger yet more symptoms. The case in point here is muscle weakness. The pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints will make it hard for men to move. This means they often won’t move much at all! When men don’t move much, and the pain and swelling increase, their muscles will weaken. It’s a bad cycle to be in. It’s very bad.

The only way to break this cycle is to get up and get moving. Exercise helps keep the muscles as strong as possible. It takes the weight and pressure off joints, boosts flexibility, and makes stiffness a thing of the past. Men must engage in the right kind of exercise for arthritis to avoid painful consequences though!

Reduced Range of Motion


The joint swelling too many men experience because of arthritis causes another symptom: a smaller range of motion. Swelling in the joints makes it harder to move them the way they normally would. A reduced range of motion makes reaching for objects harder. It also makes driving less safe as it’s harder for men to stretch their legs as much. Their joints, when the range of motion gets so so bad, will even ‘lock’ and be impossible to move much at all. Don’t let this go on longer than necessary, men! Don’t let hobbies like a pickup game of football pass by. It’s time to get motion back again.

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