Early Symptoms Of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is very, very common in men. They have to be concerned about it as they get older! Colon cancer is why men need to have a colonoscopy to make sure everything is okay. It's the only way to catch this cancer early. But what kind of colon cancer treatment can men expect? Colon cancer cures are along the same lines as other cancer treatments. Men, you'll need chemo for colon cancer, radiation, and even surgery. Talk to a doctor first! Need to know the warning signs? Act now.

Changes In Bathroom Habits


Everyone knows the colon is the large intestine. This is where poop passes through before it leaves the body! So then, men, it shouldn't come as a surprise to learn your bathroom habits changing is a sign of colon cancer. You may see diarrhea or constipation for longer than a day or two. These are the most common! There will even be changes in poop appearance. Men, if you see any of these changes, you're going to need to talk to a doctor. It's much, much better to be safe rather than sorry. An exam is worth it, trust us!

Weight Loss


Men, your colon can grow polyps if you have colon cancer. Everyone knows this! These growths are why weight loss is an early sign of colon cancer. They make it much, much harder for digestion to happen. The intestines will get backed up, and digestion will slow down. The body won't absorb the nutrients from the food!

Men, your waste won't leave the body nearly as well. This attacks your appetite too, so you're going to eat less. All of this forces unexplained weight loss. Cancerous cells also take up so, so much more energy, causing more weight loss. Watch out for weight loss of more than just a pound here or there. It'll be more like 10 pounds in a short period.

Blood In Poop


Colon cancer causes tumors to grow. This makes the colon so, so irritated. So what happens when the colon lining is irritated? It'll start to bleed! So, men, you'll likely see blood in your poop. But hold your horses, because this can appear in a couple ways.

Many, many men will find their poop looks very dark, even black! This means the blood has had time to clot. It also says that the tumor is earlier in the colon! Bright red blood is far less common in colon cancer, but it is possible too. It means the tumor is later in the colon, because blood won't have had the time to clot.

Feeling The Bowel Isn't Empty


By now, everyone knows it. Everyone does! Colon cancer means polyps and tumors grow in the colon. This does a few things to the bowels. It narrows the intestine and puts pressure on the nerves. Many, many men believe their bowel won't have been emptied when they've got tumors in their colon. The irritation these tumors cause also make it seem like there's more they need to get out of their body. They'll want to strain more! It will often not feel any different than when they do need to go to the bathroom for real. The only clue? It'll happen right after they just visited the bathroom!

Pain In The Abdomen


Growths in the colon because of colon cancer are a serious problem. They're the reason for many, many of the early symptoms! They can even make a man's abdomen hurt so, so much. Cramping in this area says there's a tumor growing. It's making things tougher to deal with! The growths can also force bloating, which isn't comfortable for any man. But the pain also changes based on where the tumor or polyps are! When they're to the left, it feels like there's trapped gas. To the right, and the pain will be dull and aching. It might even feel like gallstones!

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