Early Warning Signs Of Hepatitis C In Men

Men know they need their liver to work. They know. The liver keeps a man’s digestion running smoothly and filters alcohol from their blood. Hepatitis C is a virus that attacks the liver. Men need to get this invader out. They need to! Hepatitis C medication is a common treatment. It can even act as a cure for hepatitis C. Men need to bring in the big guns when it comes to treating hepatitis C. Yes, the big guns! The first step is knowing the symptoms.

Appetite Loss


Men love to eat lots of food. Everything from burgers and sausages to pizza and wings is on the table. This is why it’s so shocking when men don’t want to eat anything or eat very little. Hepatitis C damages the liver. Everyone says this is what makes men lose their appetite.

The appetite loss hepatitis C causes is like nothing men have ever seen or felt before. Everyone’s talking about it! Men need to bring their appetite back. Taking charge and doing this will send the accompanying nausea and possible fever back where they came from. Believe us, it will!



When hepatitis C invades the body and liver, it makes jaundice appear. The eyes and skin turning yellow is not a good look, everyone says so. This is what alerts men to liver damage. Bilirubin, a strong yellow substance, is building up. Damage to the liver is what causes it to turn the skin yellow. Many men also know that it puts other organs and red blood cells at risk. Men need to talk to a doctor to make sure they team up and kick the virus out of their body once and for all. They need to kick it out!

Out Of Control Tiredness


Men have to be full of energy to earn money. They can’t be weak! Most men get enough sleep at night to work the way they should during the day. However, many men find themselves feeling drained because of hepatitis C. This out of control tiredness is tough. It’s far more than just tossing and turning at night and feeling off the next day. They are saying over half of the men with hepatitis C deal with this nasty feeling. It's a sign of infection and liver damage. Men need to get rid of this infection if they want this not good feeling of being tired all the time to disappear too.

Muscle And Joint Pain


Everything will likely hurt when men have hepatitis C. This virus attacks the body and makes their muscles and joints throb in pain. This pain is not nothing for men who experience it. Why else would muscle and joint pain be the most common reason for men with hepatitis C to talk to a doctor? Men will also have inflammation in their joints. Inflammation often means red or purple blotches on the skin too. When men with hepatitis C don’t have their pain seen to, they can develop arthritis. They are saying this occurs in 4 percent of men. That’s 4 percent too many.

Brain Fog


Gone are the days of watching a football game. Hepatitis C causes serious brain fog. Men can’t concentrate with this rude virus running through their veins and liver. The toxins the liver can’t remove will get out of control. They’ll attack the brain. Focusing will be much harder at this point. Men may also find they will experience shaky hands, less coordination, and slurred speech. It won’t even be the fun kind of slurred speech. No, not the fun kind. But, to be perfectly honest, there is a way out of this mess. Men can take the reins back! They should call a doctor for backup.



Men don’t get pregnant. But the gross bloating that hepatitis C causes can certainly make it look that way. Men don’t want to look that way! The liver will be inflamed and swollen, making the abdomen appear larger. A swollen liver also increases blood pressure and how much fluid sticks around in the man’s body. This also increases the size of the abdomen. The more fluid a man retains, the larger their abdomen will become. They can’t let the world laugh at them. It can’t happen. They have to get rid of this bloating. The good news? They can do very well at this.

Dark Pee


Healthy men have pee that is either clear or a pale yellow. In many, many cases, anything darker means men aren’t drinking enough water. Unfortunately, there’s another horrible reason for dark-colored pee: hepatitis C. Everyone is saying that this condition causes liver damage. It does, because the liver is very much involved with bilirubin. Very much so.

This strong yellow pigment, when it builds up in huge amounts, ends up in pee. Believe that. This is why a man’s pee will be dark yellow even when he drinks lots of water. Drinking more won’t fix this disgusting warning sign of hepatitis C. Men need other reinforcements to hit this home run.

Easy Bruising And Bleeding


The liver must filter blood. That is its job! Hepatitis C makes the liver incompetent. This virus damages the liver and forces the creation of nasty scar tissue. Because of this, blood will build up in the spleen. The excess blood in the spleen causes the balance of platelets to be thrown off. It also means a shortage of platelets being produced, meaning the blood can’t clot normally.

The body is lacking the fighters it needs to stop bruising and more bleeding. Men whose blood can’t clot face nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and bruises. These bruises can come from simple run-ins with the kitchen counter, never mind sliding into the home plate roughly or getting tackled during a football game.

Swollen Legs


Men with hepatitis C have seen, and many have witnessed, swollen legs. They are saying swollen legs are the result of fluid building up in the legs. The nasty, nasty virus triggers this because of an increase in blood pressure. This makes fluid leak from the vessels. Leaking fluid is then forced downwards and into the legs and feet. The leaking fluid causes the legs to look puffy and swollen. Very swollen! The swelling in the legs can often be touched to cause a pit in the skin that doesn’t disappear right away. The pit will stick around for a long time, a very long time.

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