The Huge, Huge Causes And Complications Of Turner Syndrome

Men, you've got to be ready for this one! Turner syndrome is genetic, and it affects girls. Your safe, but your daughter can have it! What does it mean? There's a problem with one of her X chromosomes! Girls are born with 2, but the second one won't work right with this condition on the field. The good news? Docs catch this one early. Some get it when your girl is born! That's great.

Catching it early means Turner syndrome treatment starts fast! Men, your baby girl needs lots of different docs on her team for this. She'll have changing needs based on her symptoms and complications! Growth hormone therapy for Turner syndrome is a huge one. So huge! And to get her to start puberty? She needs help. Sad. But that's where estrogen therapy for Turner syndrome comes in. It'll get that started for her! Men, treatment for Turner syndrome means keeping complications under control. It'll stop them entirely sometimes too!

Genetic Abnormalities


Men, your baby girl's going to have Turner syndrome because of gene! Yes, if her genes are abnormal. She'll have one working X chromosome. That takes care of what it should! But the other one? It won't work right. Parts of it are missing, and the rest won't work right. And for 50% of the girls? They won't even have a second X chromosome!

Sometimes your baby girl only has this happen in some cells. That means some cells get 2 working X chromosomes! Yes, it does! Men, that's called mosaic Turner syndrome. But there's not enough research on it. Not enough at all! Docs need to figure out which chromosomes have the most power in this condition!

High Blood Pressure


Men, you've got to watch your baby's blood pressure! Many girls, so many girls, with this condition have high blood pressure. It'll get so high! This complication starts early for most. But men, don't drop your guard. Why? It can still develop later, of course! Men, this is a huge, huge complication. High blood pressure is so huge in this condition! It'll raise her risk of heart problems, it'll raise it so much. So much! That includes heart disease. This is a huge issue, men, you know it is. Your girl's already at a high risk of heart problems because of her condition!

Men, you know when her pressure it too high. It's going to be 130/80 or higher! You'll even see her with 139/89 sometimes! Get her some help with this. You're her best fighter!

Heart Problems


The heart problems are coming! They're coming! Men, you already know it. Your baby girl is more likely to see heart issues because of Turner syndrome! Yes. Sad. Many of them are going to be there when she's born or appear when she's just a baby. They will! But men, hold your horses. They can still happen later on! Men, the heart problems with this condition are huge ones. So huge! And her high blood pressure? Yes, you're right! That increases her risk here too.

The heart defects you'll see in her are mostly around her aorta. That's the vessel that gets blood with oxygen to the rest of her body! If it's not working, her heart's not going to pump blood right. It won't! She's also at risk of problems with her heart muscles. Her blood might just flow back into her heart when it needs to go out. Get her checked often to fight this complication. Men, you're ready!

Hearing Loss


Men, get your girl's hearing checked out! It'll be fine, just fine, when she's born, but it won't stay this way with Turner syndrome on the playing field. It won't! Sad. Men, she'll deal with hearing loss as she gets older. It's because of the middle ear infections she'll get! Yes, she's going to get them more often than others. And yes, you know it. Her hearing loss becomes more real with every infection. Men, Turner syndrome also means she'll lose nerve function in her ears. That also means hearing loss!

There's also Eustachian tube problems to know about. They'll mean more and more ear infections and nerve damage. That's not good for her hearing! Growths in her ear also happen lots with this condition. That's sudden hearing loss, not progressive. The good news? Both kinds are treatable! Men, you've got the power to help your baby girl. Getting a doc to remove the growths is one way. Hearing aids and cochlear implants are great too. They're so great!



You've also got to remember her thyroid, men. You do! Yes, it's a huge, huge problem with Turner syndrome. Up to 30% of these girls are going to end up with hypothyroidism! That means her thyroid isn't doing what it needs to. There are a few causes here, men. Her immune system can attack her thyroid. The result? It won't make enough of the hormone she needs! Her condition also makes it harder, so much harder, to use thyroid hormone properly. That also means she'll develop hypothyroidism! This risk gets bigger and bigger as she gets older.

But it's time for some good news. Men, all you've got to do is get her thyroid checked often. Keep your eye on her for brittle hair and nails, constipation, dry skin, and yes, low energy. The problem is fixable once her doc catches it! Replacement thyroid hormone is a huge, huge treatment here. It's going to help your baby girl, no question!

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