The Obvious Causes And Complications Of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa a huge skin condition. It's huge, and it's chronic! Men, you'll get small bumps under your skin with this one. Small, yes, but so painful. So painful! Men, these bumps break and will get even more painful to handle! Watch for them where you see lots of friction. That means your thighs, butt, groin, and armpits! Men, this condition lasts for a while, and the longer it does? The worse flares are.

That's why treating this condition is vital. It's important! Men, you'll get OTC medicine for hidradenitis suppurativa. Start with OTC pain meds! Your doc will prescribe you topical creams for hidradenitis suppurativa too. Many, many men bring in red light therapy for hidradenitis suppurativa. Laser hair removal helps so much too. So much! You're looking for hidradenitis suppurativa itch relief with both. But men, you've got to understand the risk factors and complications first. Both influence your treatment for hidradenitis suppurativa!

Age And Gender


Men, your age matters with this condition. It does! You're at a higher risk of it when your 18 to 29 years old. Hidradenitis suppurativa does develop earlier, but not often. And yes, always after you've hit puberty, not before! You'll definitely be very far into your adolescence on the off-chance it appears before you're 18. Unfortunately, the younger you are when this condition appears, the tougher it is! You'll definitely see more complications when you get this one young.

But men, there's good news! You're not nearly at the same risk level as women with this condition. You won't get it nearly as much. Not even close!



Obesity is a risk factor for many conditions. So many! You knew this was coming, men! Your weight matters a lot, a whole lot, with hidradenitis suppurativa. You're much more likely to get it if you're overweight. So much more likely! Men, being overweight means your skin's going to rub more. It'll also have many, many extra folds. But there's even more! Obesity means lots of inflammation in your body. Lots more than people with healthy weights!

You've got lots of power here, though. Men, all you need to do is lose weight! You won't see nearly as many flares when you do. And the flares themselves? So much less severe! Get ready to move, men. Lose 10 percent of your body weight and watch your symptoms drop. They'll drop so much! Weight loss stops your skin from rubbing. You also won't have as much bacteria growing in those skin folds!

Family History


Yes, when a family member has this condition, you're more likely to get it too, men. You are! Family history is so common here. Men, 3 to 40 percent of you with this condition, have a relative with it too! That's a huge, huge percentage! And experts even say that it is so much higher than that. So much higher! It's so much higher, they say, thanks to people not getting officially diagnosed, or getting the wrong one. Men, you're most likely to inherit this one from your parents! So if they have it, you know what to do. Keep an eye on your skin!

More Infections


Men, this is a huge, huge complication. You're going to get many, many more infections when you've got hidradenitis suppurativa. So many more infections! Men, your skin is more likely to get infections where it's damaged. Yes, you know it: where the lumps have burst! The good news? Infections don't happen during a symptom flare. Just after one! Hold your horses, though, there's more! Many, many men find that the infections don't cause flares either. That's great!

Of course, you remember flares start with a blocked hair follicle. The bumps? They're the inflamed follicles, and they're full of pus. So full! Men, infections happen when the bumps heal. It's because bacteria and sweat get trapped! You've got to get them out to recover. Men, this isn't life-threatening. But don't let your guard down, it's very, very painful. So painful!

Obstructed Lymph Drainage


Men, you know the parts of your skin where this condition takes hold are full of lymph nodes. You know it! Yes, remember, it means your armpits and groin. Men, this is why you're going to see obstructed lymph drainage as a complication! Your flares cause lots of scarring. Lots of it! Scarring will often go deep, so deep. When it's deep enough, your lymph nodes won't drain! It'll mean fluid builds with nowhere to go. Many, many men see swollen legs, arms, and genitals. But men, there's also good news with this complication! Your lymph nodes don't often swell until after a flare. You've got time to fix this!

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