The Obvious Types Of Tachycardia

Tachycardia is a fast one, men. Yes, it's talking about fast heart rates! They'll go faster than 100 beats in just one minute. That's so fast, right/ Can't say it enough! You'll see this condition, men, because of many, many things. It starts because of anemia, heart failure, and heart attacks! An overactive thyroid sets it off too. Of course, you know if you've got a weird heart structure, you might also get a fast heart rate. Blood pressure meds, drinking caffeine, and smoking put you at risk of it too! Of course, you already know it's got to be lots and lots of caffeine.

You'll get anti-arrhythmic medication for tachycardia, men. After all, that's what this condition is. An arrhythmia! Cardioversion for tachycardia is a huge, huge help as well. So huge! Don't forget about the power of a pacemaker for heartbeats either, men. Many, many men find success with it! Your doc's going to pick the best tachycardia treatment for the type you've got. The very best!

Atrial Flutter


Yes, you already know this one, men. The name is clear, atrial flutter starts in the atria! Men, these are the upper parts of your heart. They're on top! You're going to have a fast heartbeat with this on. So fast! The good news? It's a steady one! That's the huge difference between it and atrial fibrillation. Men, atrial flutter is an electrical problem. You've got issues with the electrical pulses in your heart! You do! And even though many, many get just a fast heartbeat, you can't rest. You can't let your guard down. Keep it up! This still makes your risk of heart failure higher. Stroke too!

There's good news, though. Men, you saw it coming! Atrial flutter is easy, so easy, to treat. You'll get some meds for it. Surgery is also a huge, huge help with this one! You need the treatment fast, though, men. Your heart isn't getting blood to your other organs. That's why you're at risk of heart failure and stroke! Yes, you need to stop this risk in its tracks. You will, you've got the power here.

Ventricular Tachycardia


You guessed it, men. This one is in your ventricles! Yes, they're the bottom parts of your heart, the opposite to the atria. Men, ventricular tachycardia is a big one. A big one! It's a fast heart rate. Yes, your heart's going over 100 beats per minute on this one. It'll go for at least 3 beats in a row. But hold your horses, that's not all! It's also an abnormal beat. It's not steady! The good news, men? You'll only get this for a few seconds most of the time. If it lasts for longer, though? It's life-threatening. That's why you know you can never let your guard down. You always have to fight!

There's an abnormal circuit in your heart muscle, men. All of you have it with this condition! But there are 2 ways that this circuit triggers the problem you're having. One? It'll be activated from the outside. The other? You guessed it, the circuit activates itself! Either way, you're not getting enough blood around your body. Men, you need to have blood flow properly! Every man does!

Atrial Fibrillation


Of course this was going to make an appearance! Men, this one's another that starts in the top parts of your heart. Yes, its the closest to atrial flutter. You obviously remember the difference between them. This heartbeat is abnormal. It's not a steady one! Of course, both are very, very fast. So fast! This condition means the parts of your heart aren't going to sync. Men, you know what happens next. Poor blood flow in your body! Then, obviously, higher stroke and heart failure risk.

Get ready for some mild symptoms, men. You'll be short of breath with this one! Muscle weakness and heart palpitations make their rounds with this one too. If your episodes are random and rare? You're safe, men. But if they're regular? Get your doc on the phone! This condition makes emergencies more common for you, men. It does. You've got to stay on your guard! You'll see more blood clots than others. Obviously, this means blockages are possible! Your risks become higher for stroke and a heart attack. So much higher!

Supraventricular Tachycardia


Supraventricular tachycardia is a harder one, men. You know it is! Many, many heart issues are in this one. Obviously, your heart's beating faster than 100 beats every minute! And the irregular heartbeat you've got? It starts in the atria or the ventricles. But hold your horses here, because cases often have no clear starting point! Many, many men find this one's harder to treat because of that!

Men, this one's a resting heart rate. Not the one you've got after lifting weights or winning a race! Watch for your heart to flutter or feel like its racing. Those are your clues here! Of course, you won't waste any time getting regular episodes treated. You won't let those slip through your fingers. You've got this under control!

Ventricular Fibrillation


Watch out for ventricular fibrillation, men. This one's a nasty one. So nasty! Your ventricles are shuddering, not beating. It's an electrical issue in your heart! Your heart won't get blood moving in your body right with this one, men. It means a collapse is coming, and a heart attack! But men, don't get comfy. This one has happened after heart attacks too! Both cases are emergencies, so get help immediately for them. Go!

Men, you need to know the causes of this one well! had a heart attack before? There's damage to your heart muscle. This makes you a high risk for this scary tachycardia! Not getting enough blood to your heart muscle is another one. And if you've got an issue with your aorta? You're also at risk, so keep a sharp eye on your health! Watch out for severe infections and drug toxicity too. Men, they're huge, huge causes of it too. So huge!

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