The Obvious Warning Signs Of Sepsis

Sepsis is a huge issue, men. So huge! This condition's severe and, yes, often fatal! It means your immune system is reacting to an infection, but there's an imbalance. Sepsis comes with lots of inflammation and drops in blood pressure. It'll mean a high, high risk of organ failure. So high! Men, you're most at risk when you're older or have immune system issues already.

Men, get fast sepsis treatment! You'll start feeling better in no time when you do. Intravenous fluids for sepsis are huge. The next big fighter is antibiotics for sepsis! Other meds for sepsis come after that. Sepsis surgery is also on the table, and it works wonders! But men? Keep yourself in check too. Your treatment for sepsis relies so much, so much, on your symptoms and how you respond to other treatments!

High Heart Rate


Men, your heart is going to be very fast. Very fast! Your heart rate's going to get to 90 beats in one minute. Just one minute! A high heart rate is a huge symptom of sepsis. Huge! So huge. It's one sign that your immune system is responding. But men? It's still a harsh symptom! Sepsis spreads. Everyone knows that. When it does, men, you know the blood flow to your organs isn't as good as it needs to be! Your heart has to work harder, so much harder to make up for that. Unfortunately, you're at risk here. Men, so many of you will deal with heart failure when your heart rate stays high for so long. Other organs will fail too! Remember, they're not getting the blood they need. Blood clots are a risk too!

Fast Breathing


Yes, you'll see fast breathing when you've got sepsis. Men, your breathing is going to be very. Very fast! This is a dangerous symptom, men. It's so dangerous! It means you've got severe sepsis! Untreated, this is worse. Many, many men will end up with another condition. It's acute respiratory distress syndrome and men, it'll mean you can't breathe! You've got to get treatment right away for fast breathing. Don't let it get the best of you! Men, the ICU in your hospital is the fighter you need in your corner. It'll stop complications in their tracks. It'll help get your breathing under control! The ICU will make sure your lungs don't collapse on you. Fast breathing does lead to that. Why? You know the answer! You're not getting enough oxygen!

High Fever Or Low Body Temperature


Many, many men with sepsis get a high fever or low body temperature. Yes, they do! Men, your immune system is reacting. You know that's why this happens! But hold up here. Your temperature changes after other signs of sepsis. Fast breathing and a high heart rate actually trigger this change. That's huge. So huge! This means your condition is severe, men. Your temperature change is severe. It complicates your condition in the blink of an eye! Men, it won't matter which way your temperature goes. For many of you, these signs lead to septic shock!

Your temperature problem also means poor circulation. Yes, you'll see reduced blood flow! Men, your organs aren't getting the blood and oxygen they need. That's making your risk of organ failure higher! These symptoms also mean blood vessel damage when they last too long.

Mental Ability Changes


Once again, men, you're facing serious, serious symptoms. So serious! Many, many of you with this condition see mental ability changes. It's because your organs aren't working right! Men, when you're older, confusion and disorientation are so, so common here. Hold your horses, though, because they happen when you get sepsis young too! There are other changes too. Men, watch for agitation and anxiety! Personality shifts and memory loss take hold of many, many men with sepsis too. All of this means you've likely got organ failure. And the changes? Even with treatment, they'll last for a while. The treatment itself is so intense that mental ability changes set in too! Men, keep your eyes peeled for PTSD and depression. Similar shifts to those happen too!

Extreme Weakness


Sepsis tackles even the toughest of men. It triggers weakness! Yes, extreme weakness is very common. So common! Men, it happens because your organs are weakening. It also means mitochondrion failure! That's a part of your body with a huge role in your energy. A huge role! When it's not working? You're in trouble! Weak muscles are often the first thing you're going to see here. But men? Overall weakness sets in after that!

You'll also see extreme weakness thanks to nerve damage in sepsis. Many, many things about sepsis make patients weak! And when you recover, but get post-sepsis syndrome? Weakness sticks around then too! Your muscles will have structural defects here, and there'll be muscle wasting. That's the part that makes weakness stick, of course!

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