The Obvious Warning Signs Of Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is scary for many, many men. It's scary, even for the strongest! Men, this one means you'll have times when you're awake but can't move. Yes, it means you're paralyzed! Obviously, though, it sets in when you're waking up or falling asleep. It's all in the transitions, making your sleep cycle a rough one. Very rough!

Men, sometimes treatment for sleep paralysis isn't needed. When you've only got it every so often, you're good! So good. But when there's something else at play, like narcolepsy? Get ready! Narcolepsy treatment is so, so important. Many, many men will get medications for narcolepsy! Obviously, therapy for sleep paralysis is a huge one. So huge! You've got lots of natural remedies for sleep paralysis too, men. Stress management for sleep paralysis is amazing! But men, you've got to understand your symptoms to get the best, the very best sleep paralysis treatment.

Can't Move Or Speak


Men, going to sleep and waking up is smooth, so smooth. Very smooth! But hold up. Many, many men don't have this go very smooth, not very smooth at all. Yes, many men get so aware of their relaxed state. Super aware! Your body's going to be at rest. It will be! But your mind's going to be racing so fast at the same time. You know what's coming! This combo splits your body and mind. Men, you can't move or speak when you've got sleep paralysis. Yes, your body's asleep. But your mind's awake and scared! That's going to make you feel paralyzed. The good news? This wears off! It won't last!

Feeling Fear And Impending Doom


Men, your body is awesome. So awesome! It's going to make lots and lots of adrenaline when you're in danger. That's what helps you fight your enemy! Yes, it'll help you flee when it's needed too. Hold your horses, though. Men, lots of adrenaline mean you'll feel fear! You already know why. The fear is driving you to action! Panic attacks cause the fear and impending doom a lot. Sleep paralysis does too. It does! Many, many men feel fear or impending doom when they can't move. Your mind's panicking! That's why you've got lots of adrenaline running through your body, men. And when you still can't move? Fear and impending doom set in. So many of you, so many, are going to feel like something bad is about to happen. Something very bad!

Trouble Breathing


You know it by now. There's so much adrenaline in your body in sleep paralysis. So much of it! It's why your heart starts to beat faster, a lot faster! Many, many men also see their breathing speed up! The good news? This is natural, men, you know it is. The reaction's supposed to give you the energy you need to move. You remember that, of course! You'll also remember, men, that you can't move or speak with this condition. For a time, obviously. Yes, your breathing still gets faster and faster. So many men say it's like their heart is just about to beat right through their chest! But men? This breathing feels so, so hard to do. Many of you will feel like it's impossible to breathe right! Why? Your chest can't expand the way it needs to, so your lungs can't either. Yes, it's because you can't move in sleep paralysis!



Men, sleep paralysis triggers hallucinations. It does! You'll see, hear, and smell things when this condition sets in. They say these hallucinations are part of the neurological imbalance that causes your paralysis! They all say it! But wait, hold your horses. Men, they don't know why this happens. They're split on the reason here. Some say it's your brain still dreaming when you're going from REM sleep to non-REM sleep or the other way around! And that dream? It turns into a nightmare! And others, men, they say you hallucinate just because of the fear and adrenaline running through you. Yes, they say the hallucinations are another way your body's trying to get you to move.



Men, you know a lot. A lot! Sleep paralysis means you're awake but can't move. Your mind is scared! So guess what? So many men, so many, think there's someone in their room. Someone or something may even be on their chest! Men, this feeling is so real when it hits you. Very, very real! You know what everyone calls it: paranoia. But why does it happen? They say it's your mind figuring out what is happening to you. Paranoia says the fear is evidence!

There's more, though. You know there is. Everyone does! Men, so often, so very often, you'll have this paranoia last after your sleep paralysis. And when others dismiss it? It'll come back so fast, so fast! You'll feel like they're keeping you from the truth. Men, this symptom means you're so sure something happened. But if you don't get a good explanation? You'll still be very paranoid!

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