Prevention Tips For Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the top 5 most common cancers in the United States. Everyone knows about it! Men, this is good news. Because everyone knows, there are many, many treatments for lung cancer! Chemo for lung cancer is very, very common. Radiation is making a big play to cure lung cancer too! Men, you'll likely get surgery if you've got lung cancer, and immunotherapy to target these cells as well. But the best lung cancer treatment? Prevention!

Quit Smoking


Everyone knows it: smoking causes lung cancer. It does! Over 20 substances in tobacco smoke are carcinogens. So, men, you know what you've got to do! If you're a smoker, you have to quit smoking! If you've never smoked, continue that streak. You don't want to lose that game, no, you don't. Men, you're also going to want to talk to people you know too! If they smoke, ask them to stop. The less smoke around you, the lower your risk of lung cancer is. So get to work and stay away from those cigarettes. Throw them away! Do it now!

Exercise Regularly


Men, you know you need strong lungs. Everyone does! Healthy lungs make it easier for you to avoid lung cancer. They can fight things off better, so much better that way. It's amazing how well strong lungs can fight off lung cancer! So men, exercise regularly. Go for a brisk walk or a run on most days of the week. Play sports with your buddies! Take up boxing, swimming, or any other physical activity you can think of. Remember to make time for cardio, because that's how you're going to get healthy lungs! You've got a huge goal here: exercise for at least 30 minutes every day!

Eat Lots Of Fruits And Veggies


Men, if you want to prevent lung cancer, you need to be healthy. Your body needs to have great overall health, and this starts with your diet! It's so important to have a healthy diet. Healthy diets range for many, many men. But for preventing lung cancer? Put a focus on eating lots of fruits and veggies! Fruits and veggies are full of vitamins and minerals. So many nutrients!

Men, you know your body needs nutrients to function properly. It's how you avoid high blood pressure, anemia, and many many conditions. It's also what keeps your lungs working well, reducing your risk of lung cancer! So go! Fill your plate with fruits and veggies today.

Test For Radon


Radon is a huge reason for lung cancer, but it skates by! So many don't even know about radon. It's the result of certain elements in the rocks and soil. These elements are thorium, radium, and uranium. When they make radon, it can get into the air or the water. This can enter the home, where it becomes a huge threat! Men, you can control this threat. You can take it out! Testing for radon in your basement and cellar is a good start! If these tests find radon, you've got to take action and get rid of it. You're only going to know it's there if you test, test, test! Don't wait until you've got lung cancer, act now.

Wear Protective Equipment


Asbestos is a serious, serious thing. Too many people think it's all gone, but that's not true! Asbestos is found in many, many older homes and buildings. Exposure to asbestos is one of the huge, huge causes of lung cancer. You've got to avoid it at all costs!

But men, you also need to get rid of asbestos when it's there. If you're removing it from your home, or if you're working in construction and find it, put on protective equipment. Wear a mask at all times and a protective suit. Don't forget strong gloves either! Keep these on until you're away from the asbestos, and follow the proper cleaning and disposal practices when you're taking things off. Your lungs will thank you!

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