Signs And Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer In Men

Everyone knows bladder cancer starts in the bladder. And like many, many types of cancer, bladder cancer treatment often starts with chemo and radiation. But it doesn't stop there, men! Surgery for bladder cancer is very common too. Many, many men also need meds and bladder cancer supplements to manage their condition. Of course, overall health is vital too, and since smoking is a risk factor, quitting smoking helps! Spotting bladder cancer early in men is key to treatment. So get to it!

Blood In Pee


One of the first signs of bladder cancer in men is blood in the pee! Of course, men have to know the truth about it. They have to! Blood appears in pee because bladder cancer damages the bladder's lining. The amount of blood makes the pee different colors, and it can range from light pink to a dark red. The unluckiest ones, the absolute unluckiest, will have pee that looks normal but still has blood in it. Yes, it's possible! Urine tests are the only way of spotting this small amount. Many, many men will find blood in their pee comes and goes. But everyone knows: it always comes back.

Painful Peeing And Needing To Pee More Often


Bladder cancer makes it painful to pee, and what's worse? It also makes men feel the need to pee much, much more often! This isn't good. Not good at all. Men, it's more painful to pee because a tumor puts pressure on the bladder. Pressure makes it seem like the bladder is full. And what happens when the bladder is full? Men, you're going to need to pee! Pressure also triggers a lot of pain, especially when it doesn't go away. This is definitely the case with bladder cancer, as the pressure won't disappear until the tumor is gone. Don't let this go on any longer men. Take back the control and visit a doctor now!

Not Being Able To Pee


Everyone needs to pee. Everyone. But one of the serious signs of bladder cancer in men is being unable to pee! This isn't good, not good at all. This cancer can make it very, very hard to pee because it stops the muscles in the area from opening and letting pee out. A tumor can also press on the urethra. And what happens, men? You can't pee!

Tumors can also grow elsewhere in and near the bladder and can also stop pee from leaving the body. Men, it's very, very important to go see a doctor if you can't pee. Even if it's not bladder cancer, this isn't good! Get healthy again.

Swollen Feet


As bladder cancer advances, men, you may find another sign popping up: swollen feet! Bladder cancer tumors can spread into the lymph nodes. Why does this matter? Because the lymph nodes help with lymph fluid by cleaning it and circulating it back into the vessels. If the lymph nodes can't do this because of a tumor, the lymph fluid will build up where it shouldn't. It can leak into soft tissues under the skin. When there's a block in the lymph nodes in the lower body, the feet are the first to swell up! And as everyone knows, the bladder is in the lower body. So it shouldn't be a surprise to see swollen feet with bladder cancer.



Everyone knows fatigue is more than just feeling a little tired. Men everywhere have described it as feeling 'run down' and like they have no energy at all. So why does bladder cancer cause fatigue? Every cell in the body needs oxygen and nutrients to work properly. This includes producing energy!

But cancerous cells, everyone knows, use far, far more energy than healthy cells. They multiply rapidly and damage other tissues! Cancerous cells push forward and take up the energy the other cells need. There's often very little left over, which is why regular cells can't work how they should. The body needs to conserve what energy it does have to keep essential functions running. The result? Fatigue day in and day out.

Weight Loss


It's a fact: unexplained weight loss is a major sign of many types of cancer. Bladder cancer is no exception, men! Many, many men with bladder cancer find their appetite is very small. They are often not interested in much food at all! Nausea and other symptoms of being unwell are big reasons for this. Tumors pressing on certain parts can also make people less interested in eating food.

But also? Men, don't forget cancerous cells in bladder cancer take up lots and lots of energy. This includes eating away at stored energy in fat and muscle, causing huge amounts of weight loss. Men, if you're losing lots of weight for no reason, talk to a doctor!

Back Or Pelvic Pain


Pain in the back and pelvis is a hard sign to pin to bladder cancer. But it is one! Pelvic and back pain because of bladder cancer appears because of tumors in the area. These tumors increase the pressure, shift the organs, and do more damage to the tissues here. All of this causes pain in the pelvis and back! Some men find the pain feels very, very similar to kidney pain. It's also so, so important to know back and pelvic pain due to bladder cancer will persist. Other symptoms will show up too! Doctors will recommend a bladder cancer test after ruling out several other causes.

Urinary Tract Infections


Men who have bladder cancer are at a very high risk of getting repeated urinary tract infections. Yes, men, even if you don't know you have bladder cancer! This is why frequent urinary tract infections can be a sign of bladder cancer. Everyone knows the symptoms of a UTI: blood in the pee, back pain, need to pee more, painful peeing, and pelvic pain.

Sound familiar? It's vital to pay attention because the signs of both UTIs and bladder cancer are so similar. Men, if you deal with more than 1 urinary tract infection in 3 months, talk to a doctor. Be proactive and get help! This is a serious sign of bladder cancer, so don't delay.

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