Signs And Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea In Men

Sleep apnea causes disrupted sleep and breathing problems because of an obstructed airway and other issues. Many, many men are affected by this condition and turn to obstructive sleep apnea solutions. Most cases require only mild to moderate sleep apnea treatment, but then again, others need a severe sleep apnea cure. The most common solution is CPAP for central sleep apnea. These machines make it much, much easier to breathe! Of course, men need to find out what sleep apnea is first.

Stop Breathing While Asleep


All men with sleep apnea will stop breathing every so often while they are asleep. This is most often because the muscles in their throat relax. The good news is that many, many men don’t wake up when this happens. Most don’t know it happens! Someone has to point it out instead. But a symptom like this is what causes many of the others and even makes them worse, much worse. One such sign is increased fatigue throughout the day. Even if they don’t wake up, the breathing issues make the quality of their sleep worse! This is the root of the issue, men.



Snoring is yet another serious and common sign of sleep apnea. Many men with this condition also snore very loudly. Very loudly! This makes it hard for anyone near them to sleep. Snoring is the result of air having trouble moving or not being able to move through a man’s throat and nose when he is asleep. This forces tissues to vibrate in ways they normally wouldn’t, and the vibration causes noise to occur! A man who snores because of sleep apnea may breathe through his mouth. This can also trigger snoring. In any case, this loud noise is no walk in the park for anyone who hears it.

Increased Fatigue


Most men dealing with sleep apnea find they’re very, very fatigued during the day. They can’t sleep well at night because their breathing is not good, not good at all! Lots of sleep at night, everyone knows, does nothing if it’s not a night of good sleep. Even 6 hours of good sleep is far better than 7 or 8 hours of bad sleep. Everyone knows that! Increased fatigue means men find it hard to stay awake during the day. It won’t matter what they’re doing! This symptom is dangerous, very dangerous. Men may fall asleep at serious points, including when driving! Besides fatigue, men will see a constant lack of energy and ‘brain fog.’ Everything will be harder!

Morning Headaches


Men with sleep apnea don’t take in as much oxygen as others during the night. This is because their airway is at least partly blocked! This means their brain isn’t getting the oxygen it needs. Because of this, men will often have a headache in the morning. A head that hurts in the morning is not exciting. It’s not like a motorcycle race, men! The pain from a morning headache will go away as the day goes on, since they’re getting more oxygen now. But constant headaches in the morning because of sleep apnea will still cause serious problems. Stay on the lookout men!

Dry Mouth


Men will often have a dry mouth during the day if they have sleep apnea. This sign appears because when their nose is blocked due to their condition, they have to breathe through their mouth. People with a deviated septum are at an increased risk of sleep apnea. These men are also more likely to breathe through their mouths! Breathing through an open mouth makes saliva dry up much faster! There’s a constant flow of air going in and out of the mouth now, after all. The mouth needs saliva to stay moist. Saliva is also a necessary part of digesting food, which is why this symptom is not good for men!

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