Understanding Hypotension Causes

Men, you know what blood pressure is! It's how strong your blood pushes against the vessel walls! Many, many men have a healthy blood pressure. It'll be about 120/80. But sometimes it's too low! During a heart beat, the first number is taken. If it's lower then 90? You've got hypotension. The second number is taken when your heart rests between beats. If this is lower than 60? You've got hypotension. If both are low? Yes, that means hypotension too! You'll feel clammy, nauseous, and very, very fatigued. Dizziness, fainting, and blurry vision are so, so common also!

Men, you'll get relief from hypotension in no time! Try low blood pressure pills as a hypotension treatment. Your doc will prescribe them! Natural remedies for hypotension are out there to help you too. They even include supplements for low blood pressure. Struggling with vitamins? A vitamin B12 supplement can help with hypotension sometimes! Investigate the cause and your doc can recommend the best treatment!



Many, many men have a slow heart rate. You're athletes, right? You're in good shape! But a slow heart rate can cause problems if it's considered bradycardia! This condition? It means your heart is going slower than 60 beats a minute! So many men'll have pain in their chest because of this condition! Feeling dizzy and fatigued is so, so common too. And shortness of breath? Of course you knew this was a symptom! The slower your heart beats, the less force it's using to pump your blood. This is what triggers hypotension, obviously! So why does this happen? Sleep apnea, heart disease, and hypothyroidism are among the causes.

Men, expect a Holter monitor to keep watch on your heart's electrical activity. Exercise tests, an electrocardiogram, and a tilt table test are other huge, huge ways of diagnosing bradycardia. Your doctor will pull out all the stops for you! Once diagnosed, they'll get you on the very best treatment. The very best!

Blood Loss


Blood loss is a huge, huge cause of low blood pressure. So huge! Men, you'll lose blood through sports injuries and even car accidents. Anything that makes you bleed a lot can make it happen! Men, you'll be able to spot external bleeding with no problem. None at all! But internal bleeding? This is disgusting and so, so hard to spot. It's still in your body! Of course, your eagle eyes will do it. Look for bruising, swelling, and abdominal pain. Men, you'll feel dizzy and lightheaded too. Fainting is on the cards here as well!

Blood loss even leads to shock, which guarantees hypotension. Men, you know when this is happening. Sweating, weakness, and lethargy will appear! You'll feel very, very cold too. Men, shock and blood loss mean you need the hospital! IV fluids and blood transfusions will get you up and running again.

Lack Of Nutrients


Men, you need to eat! Eating keeps you full and energized. It's also how you get the nutrients your body needs! But if you've got a lack of nutrients? You're going to deal with hypotension! Make sure you're getting enough B vitamins. Yes, this means folate and vitamin B12! Many, many men don't get enough vitamin B12. This'll cause anemia, and your body won't make enough red blood cells. It's a downward spiral, men. Not enough red blood cells mean you're going to lose blood volume. Men, you know it. This is what causes your blood pressure to drop! Folate does this too.

But hold your horses, there's excellent news! Men, you'll get folate in spinach, bananas, beans, and broccoli! It's so easy, so easy, to get the 400 micrograms you need a day. And guess what? Vitamin B12 is in meat and other animal products. So turn up the grill and put on the steaks! If you're vegetarian or vegan? Try fortified foods and a B12 supplement! Injections help in serious cases, of course.



Men, you've got to drink more water! Grab a glass now and start sipping! Dehydration means you're not drinking enough. You don't want the gross, so gross, effects of being dehydrated. Hypotension is a huge consequence! The signs of being dehydrated are obvious. Men, you know you'll be fatigued, dizzy, and very, very thirsty. Your pee is going to be so dark too. So dark!

Why does this happen? You're losing more water than what your body needs. Yes, it can be so simple and just mean you're not drinking lots of water. But also? Vomiting, sweating a lot, diarrhea, and peeing often increase your chances of dehydration. Every man knows that! Drink more water once you start to suspect you're dehydrated. Men, you'll catch it sooner than you think! If it's serious? IV fluids will rescue you, and you'll be ready to fight again in no time!

Low Blood Sugar


Many, many men will experience low blood sugar. When does this happen? When glucose in your blood drops lower than 70 milligrams per deciliter! This happens more often than you think! You'll spot it right away, of course, if it happens to you. The signs? Men, you'll be very, very hungry. You'll also feel dizzy, shaking, and your vision will be blurry! Heart palpitations? Also on the table! Men, you're going to go very, very pale too. This is a huge sign of low blood sugar and hypotension. So huge!

But guess what? You know it's so, so easy to bring your blood sugar back up! Sip on a juice box, and it'll be gone by the end of it! Need something better? Blood sugar tablets are the best, the very best quick fix for low blood sugar. Both mean you won't see the serious symptoms, including coordination issues, irritability, and anxiety. Yes, you've got that power!

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